



Bug #21430


technique from technique editor not commited in git

Added by Nicolas CHARLES over 2 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Web - Technique editor
Target version:
Critical - prevents main use of Rudder | no workaround | data loss | security
UX impact:
User visibility:
Effort required:
Name check:
To do
Fix check:
To do


I created the following technique, and it didn't import in git
No error in log related to this technique.
Policy generation failed

[2022-07-18 13:12:57+0000] INFO - Automatic batch update at 20220718T131257.283Z
[2022-07-18 13:59:32+0000] INFO  techniques.reader - Reloading technique library, found modified technique(s): ['test': updated (1.0: added)]
[2022-07-18 13:59:32+0000] INFO - Automatically adding technique 'test' in category 'User Techniques (ncf_techniques)' of active techniques library
[2022-07-18 13:59:33+0000] INFO - Update Technique library after creating files for ncf Technique test
[2022-07-18 13:59:33+0000] INFO  policy.generation - Start policy generation, checking updated rules
[2022-07-18 13:59:33+0000] INFO  policy.generation - [metrics] Xmx:1 GB nodes:3 (cached:3) rules:6 (enabled:6) techniques:9 (enabled:9) directives:14 (enabled:14) groups:3 (dynamic:3) parameters:2
[2022-07-18 13:59:33+0000] INFO  policy.generation - No node configuration was updated, no policies to write
[2022-07-18 13:59:33+0000] INFO  policy.generation.timing - Timing summary:
[2022-07-18 13:59:33+0000] INFO  policy.generation.timing - Run pre-gen scripts hooks     :          1 ms
[2022-07-18 13:59:33+0000] INFO  policy.generation.timing - Run pre-gen modules hooks     :          0 ms
[2022-07-18 13:59:33+0000] INFO  policy.generation.timing - Fetch all information         :         31 ms
[2022-07-18 13:59:33+0000] INFO  policy.generation.timing - Build current rule values     :          1 ms
[2022-07-18 13:59:33+0000] INFO  policy.generation.timing - Build target configuration    :         16 ms
[2022-07-18 13:59:33+0000] INFO  policy.generation.timing - Write node configurations     :        227 ms
[2022-07-18 13:59:33+0000] INFO  policy.generation.timing - Save expected reports         :          0 ms
[2022-07-18 13:59:33+0000] INFO  policy.generation.timing - Run post generation hooks     :        115 ms
[2022-07-18 13:59:33+0000] INFO  policy.generation.timing - Number of nodes updated       :          0   
[2022-07-18 13:59:33+0000] INFO  policy.generation.timing - Policy generation succeeded in:           
[2022-07-18 13:59:33+0000] INFO  policy.generation.manager - Successful policy update '17' [started 2022-07-18 13:59:33 - ended 2022-07-18 13:59:33]
[2022-07-18 13:59:43+0000] INFO  policy.generation - Start policy generation, checking updated rules
[2022-07-18 13:59:43+0000] INFO  policy.generation - [metrics] Xmx:1 GB nodes:3 (cached:3) rules:6 (enabled:6) techniques:10 (enabled:10) directives:15 (enabled:15) groups:3 (dynamic:3) parameters:2
[2022-07-18 13:59:43+0000] INFO  policy.generation - Configuration of 3 nodes were updated, their policies are going to be written
[2022-07-18 13:59:43+0000] ERROR - Template with id techniques/ncf_techniques/test/1.0/ was not found
[2022-07-18 13:59:43+0000] ERROR - Template with id techniques/ncf_techniques/test/1.0/ was not found
[2022-07-18 13:59:44+0000] INFO  policy.generation.timing - Policy generation failed after:           
[2022-07-18 13:59:44+0000] ERROR policy.generation.manager - Error when updating policy, reason was: Cannot write nodes configuration; cause was: Unexpected: Accumulated: Unexpected: Error when trying to open resource 'techniques/ncf_techniques/test/1.0/'. Check that the file exists is correctly commited in Git, or that the metadata for the technique are corrects. ; Unexpected: Error when trying to open resource 'techniques/ncf_techniques/test/1.0/'. Check that the file exists is correctly commited in Git, or that the metadata for the technique are corrects.
[2022-07-18 13:59:44+0000] ERROR policy.generation.manager - Policy update error for process '18' at 2022-07-18 13:59:44: Cannot write nodes configuration; cause was: Unexpected: Accumulated: Unexpected: Error when trying to open resource 'techniques/ncf_techniques/test/1.0/'. Check that the file exists is correctly commited in Git, or that the metadata for the technique are corrects. ; Unexpected: Error when trying to open resource 'techniques/ncf_techniques/test/1.0/'. Check that the file exists is correctly commited in Git, or that the metadata for the technique are corrects.

technique is attached


test.json (1.71 KB) test.json Nicolas CHARLES, 2022-07-18 16:02

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