Bug #21725
openAPI token appears expired while it is not due to timezone
We have a problem with timezone and API token expiration date.
I'm not sure exactly what the problem is, but see the result in screenshot:
- expiration date set to 11h46
- this is translated to 11h46 UTC
- but in the machine, it's only 9h46 UTC (and on the screenshot, 10h29, I tried for some time to understand what was going on)
=> the calendar and "token expired!" message must be base on UTC time, too, not on local time (or based on local time but correctly take the offset into account).
=> if the date is UTC, we must have some info that it is so (it can be in the date format for ex).
Discovered in 7.2, but it is likely in previous version, too.
I'm setting it in critical/security, because a token marked as expired can actually be non expired.