Bug #23398
documentation tells to edit /opt/rudder/etc/rudder-pkg/rudder-pkg.conf to set credential
Added by Nicolas CHARLES over 1 year ago.
Updated over 1 year ago.
we have a nice UI in Rudder for that, it's a shame not to advertise it
- Target version changed from 7.2.11 to 1046
- Status changed from New to In progress
- Assignee set to Elaad FURREEDAN
- Status changed from In progress to Pending technical review
- Assignee changed from Elaad FURREEDAN to Nicolas CHARLES
- Pull Request set to https://github.com/Normation/rudder-doc/pull/1005
- Status changed from Pending technical review to Pending release
- Target version changed from 1046 to 7.3.8
- Fix check changed from To do to Checked
- Status changed from Pending release to Released
This bug has been fixed in Rudder 7.3.8 and 8.0.1 which were released today.
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