Bug #23956
closedRudder agent scheduled runs are not triggered at regular interval
The agent uses the ScheduledTask "RandomDelay" feature, but this is recalculated for each run, and so, the agent does not run every "AGENT_RUN_INTERVAL" but every "AGENT_RUN_INTERVAL" +- a random minutes delay between 0 and "AGENT_RUN_SPLAYTIME".
To keep the startime spray and re-enable the agent run periodicity, the best solution seem to let the webapp generates a starting hours/minutes/seconds calculated from the node uuid and the node settings which should look like:
"00:00:00" + "First run time" (taken from settings) + random(0, "Maximum delay" from setting)
The computed value should be added to the rudder.json generated in the policies for each node, under a key named "AGENT_RUN_STARTTIME" and with a value following the format: "HH:MM:SS".