Bug #26232
Compliance : Directive displayed as Enforce when running in Audit mode
Added by Michel BOUISSOU about 1 month ago.
Updated 9 days ago.
Pending technical review
Trivial - no functional impact | cosmetic
UX impact:
It bothers me each time
In the attached screenshot :
- Server's global policy mode is Enforce
- Directive's mode is Global (Enforce)
- Node's mode is Audit, which overrides global policy
On the node's compliance :
- Rule “Rudder Agent upgrade - Debian family” is rightly showed as running in Audit mode
- But the “Upgrade Rudder agent on Debian and Ubuntu families” directive is wrongly showed as being in Enforce mode
- However the internal components of the directive are properly showed producing Audit mode results.
- Assignee set to Clark ANDRIANASOLO
- Priority changed from To review to 1 (highest)
We need to be sure that kind of bug can't happen.
If it's located in the compliance mode part, we need to extend the unit test framework so that it doesn't happen.
If it's in elm, it must not be computed there: this is a complexe business info, it must be obtained from backend and API changed so that it's possible. If it's just a UI quirk, lets fix it and try to think how make it impossible to happen by construction.
The policy mode returned by the API is "default"
, so this is likely a display issue, the "default"
should really not be returned in any compliance API response, because computation is a backend logic.
- Status changed from New to In progress
- Status changed from In progress to Pending technical review
- Assignee changed from Clark ANDRIANASOLO to François ARMAND
- Pull Request set to https://github.com/Normation/rudder/pull/6143
Seen also the other way round :
- Server in global mode audit
- Nodes manually put in enforce
- Directives in “global” mode are then enforced and rightgully displayed as such in compliance
- If a single directive in a rule is passed to Audit mode
- Compliance displays the whole rule and all of its directives as “AUDIT”, even the ones that run in enforce mode.
- However they stil perform enforce, but even their compliance report details are reported as audit.
- Status changed from Pending technical review to In progress
- Assignee changed from François ARMAND to Clark ANDRIANASOLO
- Status changed from In progress to Pending technical review
- Assignee changed from Clark ANDRIANASOLO to François ARMAND
- Assignee changed from François ARMAND to Clark ANDRIANASOLO
- Assignee changed from Clark ANDRIANASOLO to François ARMAND
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