Bug #3546
closedrudder-agent RPM packages don't require the right 32/64 bit dependencies
Some installations can break because of this: I have a CentOS 6 64 bits that installed rudder-agent 32 bit, and it's dependency tokyocabinet in 64 bits... Which obviously does not work.
This is due to the presence of the following lines in rudder-agent.spec:
AutoReq: 0 AutoProv: 0
These lines tell rpmbuild not to automatically generate the list of dependencies for a package, but to rely on what is declared in the spec file only. In our case that is "tokyocabinet", with no precision as to 32/64 bit. This mechanism is described in http://laiskiainen.org/blog/?p=35.
The reason we introduced this behaviour (in historic ticket #1828 on Normation's internal bugtracker, way back in 2011) was to avoid rpmbuild analying all the dependencies of the perl libraries we bundle in rudder-agent, and causing yum to install all sorts of other non-necessary dependencies. It looks like we now need to re-enable the automatically generated list of dependencies, but just exclude the Perl dependencies, with something like what is described here: http://corp.sonic.net/internals/2008/08/13/when-perl-and-rpm-don%E2%80%99t-get-along/.