Question #4163
Shall we use Postgresql JDBC driver version matching Postgres version ?
Added by François ARMAND almost 11 years ago.
Updated over 9 years ago.
Architecture - Dependencies
Today (Rudder 2.8), we use the postgresql "8.4-702.jdbc4" driver version. I'm seing that there exists both jdbc4/jdbc3 version of the driver, and 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 9.0, 9.1... etc version of the driver.
For the JDBC part, it's easy: we need JDBC4.
But do we must ensure that the PostgreSQL driver matches the PostgreSQL DB version ? Or can we simply use the most recent driver, and assume it will work on (not too old) past Postgres version ? Or contrary, do we need to use the driver corresponding to the oldest Postgresql version we support?
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from Discussion to Resolved
- Status changed from Resolved to Discussion
- Assignee changed from Nicolas CHARLES to François ARMAND
François ARMAND wrote:
Today (Rudder 2.8), we use the postgresql "8.4-702.jdbc4" driver version. I'm seing that there exists both jdbc4/jdbc3 version of the driver, and 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 9.0, 9.1... etc version of the driver.
For the JDBC part, it's easy: we need JDBC4.
But do we must ensure that the PostgreSQL driver matches the PostgreSQL DB version ? Or can we simply use the most recent driver, and assume it will work on (not too old) past Postgres version ? Or contrary, do we need to use the driver corresponding to the oldest Postgresql version we support?
It is impossible to know which version of PostgreSQL will be used on any given server. Our packages simply depend on "postrgesql", and according to the target OS and it's versions, and also the available repos (eg EPEL on CentOS/Red Hat), any version from 8.x to 9.x may be installed.
However, using the latest version because it supports the older ones as well seems perfect - great stuff! Where is this being fixed?
- Status changed from Discussion to Resolved
For currently supported version and upward, we now use the latest available version of the drivers.
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