User story #4579
closedUser story #4578: Add information from inventory when looking for Nodes through Rest API
Add inventory detail to GET /api/nodes/id method API Rest method
This feature should add some new informations in the API about Node information.
This shoudl Add defaut, minimal and Full informations about inventory.
First version should only have full scope to be equal to default scope.
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to In progress
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 11 years ago
- Pull Request set to
PR here:
here si an exemple of a full inventory:
url -X GET 'http://localhost:8042/api/4/nodes/0697d6d0-31ba-4f92-affc-54c677c44708?prettify=true&include=full' -k -H "X-API-Token: rHMfUJTMAMFsmSgIxJ6NbdHTWN1zw6nm" { "action":"nodeDetails", "id":"0697d6d0-31ba-4f92-affc-54c677c44708", "result":"success", "data":{ "nodes":[{ "lastInventoryDate":"2014-03-11 11:01", "architectureDescription":"x86_64-linux-thread-multi", "description":"", "OS":{ "type":"Linux", "name":"Debian", "version":"6.0.7", "servicePack":"N/A", "kernelVersion":"2.6.32-5-amd64" }, "id":"0697d6d0-31ba-4f92-affc-54c677c44708", "status":"pending", "environmentVariables":{ "PATH":"/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin::/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin", "BOOT_IMAGE":"/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-amd64", "init":"/sbin/init", "LC_ALL":"C", "DEBIAN_FRONTEND":"noninteractive", "LANG":"C", "TERM":"linux", "INIT_VERSION":"sysvinit-2.88", "rootmnt":"/root", "VERBOSE":"no", "runlevel":"2", "SHLVL":"1", "LINES":"25", "previous":"N", "PWD":"/var/rudder", "SHELL":"/bin/sh", "HOME":"/", "RUNLEVEL":"2", "_":"/var/rudder/cfengine-community/bin/cf-execd", "PREVLEVEL":"N", "CONSOLE":"/dev/console" }, "machine":{ "type":"Virtual", "provider":"vbox", "id":"0830F9AB-9C40-4C38-A963-4B562129FF18" }, "ipAdresses":["","",""], "managementTechnologyDetails":{ "CFEngineKeys":["MIIBCAKCAQEAz9BbxKwtx4ux8cICDXZA43dqoL6qq3w1DeTSWxSv8OTEQYNbi4jsyYlWspMDRREGyzVyPngu72436ubAQIaIXFOdDWXUKmeu3xJ/roWkmWWRYTcmYprX8h/TyVeqHVIamcUaY2uOwcZ9IjoTHuu1X13aEEHt5HWoOOJi3lDzk8IoVJDbBT+oieaZiqtVOGyN/OZ0zEdZYKIgSFPCmfswH4Mm1k62G/Kt4WmJa+LdDLd2kWcSa6GT1zB3Hd0epDTT1URJEaIWN/pmQFCaghgH8Tr8cSi94Ly3zOYc4JlLYgkKGGCsY94uWh7ddq4YLgQ1Hb3HnKhXYywjHHEVXEYY1QIBIw=="], "CFEngineUser":"root" }, "ram":"244 MB", "networkInterfaces":[{ "name":"eth1", "ipAdresses":[""], "MACAdress":"08:00:27:a8:1f:bf", "status":"Up" },{ "name":"lo", "ipAdresses":[""], "MACAdress":"00:00:00:00:00:00", "status":"Up" },{ "name":"eth0", "ipAdresses":[""], "MACAdress":"08:00:27:63:5e:f5", "status":"Up" }], "managementTechnology":[{ "name":"CFEngine Community", "version":"N/A" }], "hostname":"node2.rudder.local", "policyServerId":"root" }] }
I have a question:
- If a data is missing (ie here: Service Pack of OS) should we display "N/A" or should we skip that data ?
Updated by François ARMAND almost 11 years ago
Skip the data.
It is expected in JSON structure to not have all information if the information is not mandatory. All the JSON library are used to handle that, and not at all to deals with a "N/A".
Of course, if we defined the data as mandatory and it's not available, we should return an error. But mandatory variable are quite few, and we should never have the case where a data is mandatory in the JSON strcuture but not in Rudder.
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from In progress to Pending technical review
- Assignee changed from Vincent MEMBRÉ to François ARMAND
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from Pending technical review to Pending release
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset ae1385f32ddc5e9a7ec656912967d1cf5cc4fa0d.
Updated by Anonymous almost 11 years ago
Applied in changeset 45187a10fba51ceabbc0ae28831ecc30213695db.
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Pending release to Released
This bug has been fixed in Rudder 2.10.0~beta1, which was released today.
Check out:
The release announcement:
The full ChangeLog:
Download information:
Updated by Benoît PECCATTE over 9 years ago
- Tracker changed from Enhancement to User story