



Bug #4591


Several issues with new display of Rules

Added by Jonathan CLARKE almost 11 years ago. Updated almost 11 years ago.

1 (highest)
Web - Config management
Target version:
UX impact:
User visibility:
Effort required:
Name check:
Fix check:


I just checked out the new display of Rules added in #4505, but have several display issues on my Firefox browser, as these screenshots show:

In particular, what is wrong:

  • The size of the "highlight" box in the tree when I hover over an item is huge, and the + and - icons are miles apart from each other and the text
  • Items in the two sections on the right are not displayed correctly (they don't have a box around them, they seem to drift from left to right, etc)
  • The titles of the two boxes on the right are preceded by the question mark, that shuold come afterwards
  • The " (Create a new Directive)" and " (Create a new Group)" links are far too big, and should be much more discrete (think half the current size, no bold, and in grey)


1.png (26.3 KB) 1.png Jonathan CLARKE, 2014-03-11 16:28
2.png (13.2 KB) 2.png Jonathan CLARKE, 2014-03-11 16:28

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Rudder - User story #4519: Add caching information to static JS/CSS resourcesReleasedVincent MEMBRÉActions
Actions #1

Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 11 years ago

Have you refreshed your browser cache ? It misses the css, and it looks ok to me on the snapshot 2.10 ?

Actions #2

Updated by Jonathan CLARKE almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from 8 to Rejected

Vincent MEMBRÉ wrote:

Have you refreshed your browser cache ? It misses the css, and it looks ok to me on the snapshot 2.10 ?

OK, indeed, this was just a cache issue - it's all fine now. I'm rejecting this bug.

However, this is a real problem - everyone who uses Rudder will have the CSS in cache! We need a way to avoid these problems. I imagine this would be something like incrementing a version (or a checksum) in the CSS filename, so that the browser downloads a new one.

Actions #3

Updated by François ARMAND almost 11 years ago

#4519 updated to take care of that need.


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