User story #11035
closedAdd the possibility to enable/disable the plugin globally.
We want to have the possibility to disable the plugin (any plugin, in fact) in Rudder.
Disabeling a plugin should stop it to make anything, but there is no obligation to unload its classes, and its data must not be deleted.
For now, we only want to be able to control the enable/disable status from a propery (for ex in a file).
We want to be able to display the status on the module page, and also display a message along with the status (for ex. to explain it).
The enable/disable must be the least impacting in the code. Actually, we should only have a couple of entry point for that, and the minimum of code responsible to check the state (i.e, we don't want to have to add a check on all method like "if(enable) blablabla")
We may need to add some plugin API in Rudder, so it will most likely be an API breaking change for plugins.