Bug #17160
closedOn high load after a reboot, generation fails because scale-out-relay not OK
Pull Request:
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Name check:
To do
Fix check:
To do
We saw on a user with high load that just after a reboot, the generation fails b/c "missing scale out relay" even if the plugin was correclty loaded and licence is OK, and even if the plugin loading happens tens of minutes earlier.
[2020-04-17 00:02:21] INFO application.plugin - Initializing plugin 'rudder-plugin-scale-out-relay': 5.0-1.2.0 [2020-04-17 00:02:21] INFO application - Application Rudder started // HERE: 10 minutes latter // [2020-04-17 00:12:48] INFO application.plugin - Plugin 'rudder-plugin-scale-out-relay' has a license and the license signature is valid. [2020-04-17 00:12:48] ERROR - Failure in boxToEither: Error when calculating configuration for node 'xxxx' (xxxx) <- Error for node 'xxxx' bundle creation <- We could not generate policies for server 'xxxx', therefore making updates for nodes behind it unavailable. Maybe you are missing 'scale out' plugin?
Updated by François ARMAND almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to In progress
Updated by François ARMAND almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from In progress to Pending technical review
- Assignee changed from François ARMAND to Nicolas CHARLES
- Pull Request set to
Updated by François ARMAND almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from Pending technical review to Pending release
Applied in changeset rudder:rudder-plugins|38790b3cb04ec73d8397f01f649e700f54086efd.
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Pending release to Released
This bug has been fixed in Rudder 5.0-1.3 and 6.0-1.4 which were released today.