Bug #20359
closedtechniques are seens as deleted even if there are there in Rudder 7.0
[2021-12-02 13:36:36+0000] INFO bootchecks - Check for force reload of Techniques library [2021-12-02 13:36:36+0000] INFO bootchecks - Flag file '/opt/rudder/etc/force_technique_reload' found, reload Techniqu e library now [2021-12-02 13:36:38+0000] INFO techniques.reader - Reloading technique library, found modified technique(s): ['rudder -service-postgresql': deleted (1.0)], ['server-roles': deleted (1.0)], ['server-common': deleted (1.0)], ['common': del eted (1.0)], ['rudder-service-relayd': deleted (1.0)], ['rudder-service-webapp': deleted (1.0)], ['rudder-service-apach e': deleted (1.0)], ['distributePolicy': deleted (1.0)], ['rudder-service-slapd': deleted (1.0)] [2021-12-02 13:36:38+0000] ERROR application - System technique 'rudder-service-postgresql' (1.0)' is deleted in git ba se. This will likely cause grave problem. You should investigate. [2021-12-02 13:36:38+0000] ERROR application - System technique 'server-common' (1.0)' is deleted in git base. This wil l likely cause grave problem. You should investigate. [2021-12-02 13:36:38+0000] ERROR application - System technique 'common' (1.0)' is deleted in git base. This will likel y cause grave problem. You should investigate. [2021-12-02 13:36:38+0000] ERROR application - System technique 'rudder-service-relayd' (1.0)' is deleted in git base. This will likely cause grave problem. You should investigate. [2021-12-02 13:36:38+0000] ERROR application - System technique 'rudder-service-webapp' (1.0)' is deleted in git base. This will likely cause grave problem. You should investigate. [2021-12-02 13:36:38+0000] ERROR application - System technique 'rudder-service-apache' (1.0)' is deleted in git base. This will likely cause grave problem. You should investigate. [2021-12-02 13:36:38+0000] ERROR application - System technique 'rudder-service-slapd' (1.0)' is deleted in git base. T his will likely cause grave problem. You should investigate. [2021-12-02 13:36:39+0000] INFO com.normation.rudder.services.policies.DeployOnTechniqueCallback - Reload Technique li brary at start up
but there are there
[root@server system]# cd /var/rudder/configuration-repository/techniques/system [root@server system]# ls category.xml inventory rudder-service-postgresql rudder-service-slapd server-common common rudder-service-apache rudder-service-relayd rudder-service-webapp
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 3 years ago
touching & commiting every technique & restarting the webapp doesn't solve the issue
[2021-12-02 13:53:01+0000] INFO policy.generation.timing - Policy generation failed after: [2021-12-02 13:53:01+0000] ERROR policy.generation.manager - Error when updating policy, reason was: Cannot build Rule vals <- Could not find configuration vals <- Cannot find directive with id 'common-root' when building rule 'Rule for policy server root' (policy-server-root)
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 3 years ago
- Related to Bug #20351: System technique migration fails on old server added
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 3 years ago
- Related to Bug #20356: When upgrading from 6.2 -> 7.0 on centos8, old system technique are still present, and break policy generation added
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 3 years ago
after fixing #20356, there are no technique issue, but generation fails, still with the same error
see log
[2021-12-02 15:23:51+0000] INFO techniques.reader - Reloading technique library, found modified technique(s): ['rudder -service-postgresql': updated (1.0: updated)], ['server-common': updated (1.0: updated)], ['common': updated (1.0: upda ted)], ['rudder-service-relayd': updated (1.0: updated)], ['rudder-service-webapp': updated (1.0: updated)], ['rudder-s ervice-apache': updated (1.0: updated)], ['rudder-service-slapd': updated (1.0: updated)] [2021-12-02 15:23:52+0000] INFO com.normation.rudder.services.policies.DeployOnTechniqueCallback - Reload Technique li brary to allows migration to 7.x system techniques [2021-12-02 15:23:52+0000] INFO migration - System technique v7.0 present: 'rudder-service-postgresql' [2021-12-02 15:23:52+0000] INFO migration - System technique v7.0 present: 'rudder-service-slapd' [2021-12-02 15:23:52+0000] INFO migration - System technique v7.0 present: 'rudder-service-webapp' [2021-12-02 15:23:52+0000] INFO migration - System technique v7.0 present: 'common' [2021-12-02 15:23:52+0000] INFO migration - System technique v7.0 present: 'server-common' [2021-12-02 15:23:52+0000] INFO migration - System technique v7.0 present: 'rudder-service-apache' [2021-12-02 15:23:52+0000] INFO migration - System technique v7.0 present: 'rudder-service-relayd' [2021-12-02 15:23:52+0000] INFO migration - Creating new system directives for policy server 'root' [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] INFO policy.generation - Start policy generation, checking updated rules [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] ERROR rudder-ldap-entity-mapper - Invalid attribute 'special:all_servers_with_role' for entr y ruleTarget. [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] INFO migration - Creating new system rules for policy server 'root' [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] WARN com.normation.rudder.repository.ldap.RoLDAPNodeGroupRepository - Error when mapping en try with DN 'ruleTarget=special:all_servers_with_role,groupCategoryId=SystemGroups,groupCategoryId=GroupRoot,ou=Rudder, cn=rudder-configuration' from node groups library, that entry will be ignored; cause was: UnexpectedObject: Can not uns erialize target, 'special:all_servers_with_role' does not match any known target format [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] ERROR com.normation.rudder.domain.policies.RuleTarget - Error when trying to read the follow ing serialized Rule target as a composite target: 'special:all_nodes_without_role'. Reported parsing error cause was: u nknown token s Near: sp [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] WARN com.normation.rudder.repository.ldap.RoLDAPNodeGroupRepository - Error when mapping en try with DN 'ruleTarget=special:all_nodes_without_role,groupCategoryId=SystemGroups,groupCategoryId=GroupRoot,ou=Rudder ,cn=rudder-configuration' from node groups library, that entry will be ignored; cause was: UnexpectedObject: Can not un serialize target, 'special:all_nodes_without_role' does not match any known target format [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] INFO migration - Starting migration for system rules for policy server 'root'' [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] INFO migration - [root] move old 6.2 rule 'hasPolicyServer-root' to 'old_hasPolicyServer-ro ot' [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] INFO policy.generation - [metrics] Xmx:1015 MB nodes:2 (cached:2) rules:5 (enabled:5) techn iques:50 (enabled:50) directives:12 (enabled:12) groups:2 (dynamic:2) parameters:2 [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] INFO migration - [root] move old 6.2 rule 'root-DP' to 'old_root-DP' [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] INFO migration - [root] move new 7.0 rule 'new_hasPolicyServer-root' to 'hasPolicyServer-ro ot' [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] INFO policy.generation.timing - Policy generation failed after: [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] ERROR policy.generation.manager - Error when updating policy, reason was: Cannot build Rule vals <- Could not find configuration vals <- Version '1.0' of technique 'distributePolicy' is not available for directi ve 'Distribute Policy' [root-distributePolicy] [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] ERROR policy.generation.manager - Policy update error for process '10' at 2021-12-02 15:23:5 3: Cannot build Rule vals [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] INFO migration - [root] move new 7.0 rule 'new_policy-server-root' to 'policy-server-root' [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] INFO migration - [root techniques] delete old rule 'hasPolicyServer-root' [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] INFO migration - [root techniques] delete old rule 'root-DP' [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] INFO migration - [root techniques] delete old directive 'common-root' [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] INFO migration - Migration of system techniques, directives and rules done for 'root' [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] INFO migration - Deleting old technique 'distributePolicy' information [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] INFO migration - Deleting old system object for deprecated server-roles: activeTechniqueId= server-roles,techniqueCategoryId=Rudder Internal,techniqueCategoryId=Active Techniques,ou=Rudder,cn=rudder-configuratio n [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] INFO migration - Deleting old system object for deprecated server-roles: ruleId=server-role s,ou=Rules,ou=Rudder,cn=rudder-configuration [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] INFO migration - Deleting old system object for deprecated server-roles: ruleTarget=special :all_nodes_without_role,groupCategoryId=SystemGroups,groupCategoryId=GroupRoot,ou=Rudder,cn=rudder-configuration [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] INFO migration - Deleting old system object for deprecated server-roles: ruleTarget=special :all_servers_with_role,groupCategoryId=SystemGroups,groupCategoryId=GroupRoot,ou=Rudder,cn=rudder-configuration [2021-12-02 15:23:53+0000] INFO migration - Migration of all system configuration to Rudder 7.0: done [2021-12-02 15:23:54+0000] INFO bootchecks - Check mandatory DIT entries [2021-12-02 15:23:54+0000] INFO bootchecks - All the required DIT entries are present in the LDAP directory [2021-12-02 15:23:54+0000] INFO bootchecks - Check initialization of User Technique Library [2021-12-02 15:23:54+0000] INFO bootchecks - Check that `rudder` global parameter matches default value [2021-12-02 15:23:54+0000] INFO bootchecks - Check event log migration format 5 -> 6 [2021-12-02 15:23:54+0000] INFO bootchecks - Check existence of at least one archive of the configuration [2021-12-02 15:23:54+0000] INFO migration - No migration detected by migration script (table 'migrationeventlog' is em pty or does not exist) [2021-12-02 15:23:54+0000] INFO bootchecks - First full archive of configuration-repository items done [2021-12-02 15:23:54+0000] INFO bootchecks - Check for force reload of Techniques library [2021-12-02 15:23:54+0000] INFO bootchecks - Flag file '/opt/rudder/etc/force_technique_reload' found, reload Technique library now [2021-12-02 15:23:54+0000] INFO bootchecks - Successfully reloaded Technique library on start up. now deleting flag fi le '/opt/rudder/etc/force_technique_reload' [2021-12-02 15:23:54+0000] INFO bootchecks - Flag file '/opt/rudder/etc/force_technique_reload' successfully removed [2021-12-02 15:23:54+0000] INFO bootchecks - Regenerate all ncf techniques [2021-12-02 15:23:54+0000] INFO bootchecks - started [2021-12-02 15:23:54+0000] INFO bootchecks - techniques - update [2021-12-02 15:23:55+0000] INFO bootchecks - methods [2021-12-02 15:23:55+0000] INFO bootchecks - techniques - read [2021-12-02 15:23:56+0000] INFO techniques.reader - Reloading technique library, no modified techniques found [2021-12-02 15:23:56+0000] INFO com.normation.rudder.services.policies.DeployOnTechniqueCallback - Update Technique li brary after updating all techniques at start up [2021-12-02 15:23:56+0000] INFO bootchecks - Trigger policy update automatically at start [2021-12-02 15:23:56+0000] INFO bootchecks - Create system api token [2021-12-02 15:23:56+0000] INFO bootchecks - System api token file created in /var/rudder/run/api-token [2021-12-02 15:23:56+0000] INFO bootchecks - Load node compliance cache 2021-12-02 15:23:56.473:INFO:oejshC.rudder:main: Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext [2021-12-02 15:23:56+0000] INFO policy.generation - Start policy generation, checking updated rules [2021-12-02 15:23:56+0000] INFO policy.generation - [metrics] Xmx:1015 MB nodes:2 (cached:2) rules:4 (enabled:4) techn iques:48 (enabled:48) directives:9 (enabled:9) groups:2 (dynamic:2) parameters:2 [2021-12-02 15:23:56+0000] INFO policy.generation.timing - Policy generation failed after: [2021-12-02 15:23:56+0000] ERROR policy.generation.manager - Error when updating policy, reason was: Cannot build Rule vals <- Could not find configuration vals <- Cannot find directive with id 'common-root' when building rule 'Rule for p olicy server root' (policy-server-root) [2021-12-02 15:23:56+0000] ERROR policy.generation.manager - Policy update error for process '11' at 2021-12-02 15:23:5 6: Cannot build Rule vals [2021-12-02 15:23:57+0000] INFO application - Configured authentication provider(s): [rootAdmin, file] [2021-12-02 15:23:57+0000] INFO application - No master admin account is defined. You can define one with 'rudder.auth .admin.login' and 'rudder.auth.admin.password' properties in the configuration file [2021-12-02 15:23:58+0000] INFO application - Add backend providers 'Default authentication backends provider: 'file','rootAdmin' [2021-12-02 15:23:58+0000] INFO application - Using configuration file defined by JVM property -Drudder.authFile : /opt/rudder/etc/rudder-users.xml [2021-12-02 15:23:58+0000] INFO bootstrap.liftweb.Boot - classpath [2021-12-02 15:23:58+0000] INFO org.reflections.Reflections - Reflections took 200 ms to scan 2 urls, producing 15 keys and 53 values [2021-12-02 15:23:59+0000] INFO application - INFO Configure inventory processing with parallelism of '1' and queue size of '5' [2021-12-02 15:23:59+0000] INFO scheduled.job.metrics - Starting node count historization batch (min:15 m; max:4 h) [2021-12-02 15:23:59+0000] INFO inventory-processing - Incoming inventory watcher started - process existing inventories [2021-12-02 15:23:59+0000] INFO application - Application Rudder started 2021-12-02 15:23:59.602:INFO:oejsh.ContextHandler:main: Started o.e.j.w.WebAppContext@7a1ebcd8{/rudder,file:///var/rudder/tmp/jetty/jetty-rudder.war.dir/webapp/,AVAILABLE}{/opt/rudder/share/webapps/rudder.war} 2021-12-02 15:23:59.745:INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:main: Started ServerConnector@5cdf221a{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{} 2021-12-02 15:23:59.746:INFO:oejs.Server:main: Started @22651ms [2021-12-02 15:24:18+0000] INFO scheduled.job - Update in node inventories main information detected: triggering a policy generation [2021-12-02 15:24:18+0000] INFO policy.generation - Start policy generation, checking updated rules [2021-12-02 15:24:18+0000] INFO policy.generation - [metrics] Xmx:1015 MB nodes:2 (cached:2) rules:4 (enabled:4) techniques:48 (enabled:48) directives:9 (enabled:9) groups:2 (dynamic:2) parameters:2 [2021-12-02 15:24:18+0000] INFO policy.generation.timing - Policy generation failed after: [2021-12-02 15:24:18+0000] ERROR policy.generation.manager - Error when updating policy, reason was: Cannot build Rule vals <- Could not find configuration vals <- Cannot find directive with id 'common-root' when building rule 'Rule for policy server root' (policy-server-root) [2021-12-02 15:24:18+0000] ERROR policy.generation.manager - Policy update error for process '12' at 2021-12-02 15:24:18: Cannot build Rule vals
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 3 years ago
- File post-upgrade.ldif post-upgrade.ldif added
ldif post (working) upgrade
Rule dn: ruleId=policy-server-root,ou=Rules,ou=Rudder,cn=rudder-configuration need directives
directiveId: server-common-root
directiveId: rudder-service-apache-root
directiveId: rudder-service-postgresql-root
directiveId: rudder-service-slapd-root
directiveId: rudder-service-webapp-root
directiveId: common-root
directiveId: rudder-service-relayd-root
but I don't have a "common-root", I do have a
dn: directiveId=common-hasPolicyServer-root,activeTechniqueId=common,techniq
ueCategoryId=Rudder Internal,techniqueCategoryId=Active Techniques,ou=Rudde
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to In progress
- Assignee set to Nicolas CHARLES
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 3 years ago
- Status changed from In progress to Pending technical review
- Assignee changed from Nicolas CHARLES to François ARMAND
- Pull Request set to https://github.com/Normation/rudder/pull/4038
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 3 years ago
- Status changed from Pending technical review to Pending release
Applied in changeset rudder|27e2a8334959c5eac31490282f3af088d13278e6.
Updated by François ARMAND about 3 years ago
- Related to Bug #20390: webapp doesn't start after upgrade from 6.2 to 7.0 added
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 3 years ago
- Status changed from Pending release to Released
This bug has been fixed in Rudder 7.0.0~rc2 which was released today.
Updated by François ARMAND almost 3 years ago
- Related to User story #20462: Delay policy generation until rudder app is fully boot added
Updated by François ARMAND almost 3 years ago
- Related to Bug #20355: rudder-webap: Could not lock HEAD. RefUpdate return code was: LOCK_FAILURE added