



Bug #20359


techniques are seens as deleted even if there are there in Rudder 7.0

Added by Nicolas CHARLES about 3 years ago. Updated almost 3 years ago.

Web - Config management
Target version:
UX impact:
User visibility:
Effort required:
Name check:
To do
Fix check:
To do


[2021-12-02 13:36:36+0000] INFO  bootchecks - Check for force reload of Techniques library
[2021-12-02 13:36:36+0000] INFO  bootchecks - Flag file '/opt/rudder/etc/force_technique_reload' found, reload Techniqu
e library now
[2021-12-02 13:36:38+0000] INFO  techniques.reader - Reloading technique library, found modified technique(s): ['rudder
-service-postgresql': deleted (1.0)], ['server-roles': deleted (1.0)], ['server-common': deleted (1.0)], ['common': del
eted (1.0)], ['rudder-service-relayd': deleted (1.0)], ['rudder-service-webapp': deleted (1.0)], ['rudder-service-apach
e': deleted (1.0)], ['distributePolicy': deleted (1.0)], ['rudder-service-slapd': deleted (1.0)]
[2021-12-02 13:36:38+0000] ERROR application - System technique 'rudder-service-postgresql' (1.0)' is deleted in git ba
se. This will likely cause grave problem. You should investigate.
[2021-12-02 13:36:38+0000] ERROR application - System technique 'server-common' (1.0)' is deleted in git base. This wil
l likely cause grave problem. You should investigate.
[2021-12-02 13:36:38+0000] ERROR application - System technique 'common' (1.0)' is deleted in git base. This will likel
y cause grave problem. You should investigate.
[2021-12-02 13:36:38+0000] ERROR application - System technique 'rudder-service-relayd' (1.0)' is deleted in git base. 
This will likely cause grave problem. You should investigate.
[2021-12-02 13:36:38+0000] ERROR application - System technique 'rudder-service-webapp' (1.0)' is deleted in git base. 
This will likely cause grave problem. You should investigate.
[2021-12-02 13:36:38+0000] ERROR application - System technique 'rudder-service-apache' (1.0)' is deleted in git base. 
This will likely cause grave problem. You should investigate.
[2021-12-02 13:36:38+0000] ERROR application - System technique 'rudder-service-slapd' (1.0)' is deleted in git base. T
his will likely cause grave problem. You should investigate.
[2021-12-02 13:36:39+0000] INFO - Reload Technique li
brary at start up

but there are there

[root@server system]# cd /var/rudder/configuration-repository/techniques/system
[root@server system]# ls
category.xml  inventory              rudder-service-postgresql  rudder-service-slapd   server-common
common        rudder-service-apache  rudder-service-relayd      rudder-service-webapp


7.0.ldif (908 KB) 7.0.ldif export of ldap Nicolas CHARLES, 2021-12-02 15:03
post-upgrade.ldif (908 KB) post-upgrade.ldif Nicolas CHARLES, 2021-12-02 16:30

Related issues 5 (0 open5 closed)

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Related to Rudder - Bug #20356: When upgrading from 6.2 -> 7.0 on centos8, old system technique are still present, and break policy generationReleasedAlexis MoussetActions
Related to Rudder - Bug #20390: webapp doesn't start after upgrade from 6.2 to 7.0ReleasedFrançois ARMANDActions
Related to Rudder - User story #20462: Delay policy generation until rudder app is fully bootReleasedNicolas CHARLESActions
Related to Rudder - Bug #20355: rudder-webap: Could not lock HEAD. RefUpdate return code was: LOCK_FAILUREResolvedActions

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