This is due to the use of "prop" in place of "attr" in the following JS in SrvGrid.scala:
def initJsCallBack(tableId:String, callback : (String) => JsCmd) : JsCmd = {
JsRaw("""$('td[name="serverName"]', #table_var#.fnGetNodes() ).each( function () {
$(this).click( function () {
var aPos = #table_var#.fnGetPosition( this );
var aData = jQuery(#table_var#.fnGetData( aPos[0] ));
var node = jQuery(aData[aPos[1]]);
var id = node.prop("serverid");
var jsid = node.prop("jsuuid");
var ajaxParam = jsid + "|" + id;
} );
This is following correction of issue #2036, so now I just don't understand when to use ".attr" and when to use ".prop".
Some information1 seems to say that "attr is what is defined on HTML, and .prop is for the DOM properties". But I thought that a prop was at least equals to attr, and seems that no.
Perhaps that is true only for specific attributes, like "serverid" or "jsuuid", which are not normalize, see this fiddle (with firebug opened) to see that:
Nico, could you please try to understand that ? And perhaps change what have to be change in the commit ce6f985e92e8230ff9d58bbef082fdf47346eb85 ? Moreover, perhaps we should revert that commit ?
[1] and
The link from witch I initially read about "prefer .prop to .attr":