User story #3018
closedLog agent's report about failure in a dedicated logfile
This feature consists in having a dedicated logfile containing informations about failure reports in Rudder.
It will be based on raw reports data filtered by raw reports status : result_error, result_repaired, log_repaired, log_warn.
It will not create a new table and use RuddersysEvents table to log reports
Log format expected is [Execution date] N:nodeId(Node hostname) S:report_status R:ruleId(rule name) D:directiveId(directive name) C:component name V:keyValue message
here is an example log :
[20/nov./2012 09:41 +0100] N:root(server.rudder.local) S:result_repaired R:hasPolicyServer-root(Rudder system policy: basic setup (common)) D:common-root(Common) C:Security parameters V:None Some internal security parameters were adjusted [20/nov./2012 09:41 +0100] N:root(server.rudder.local) S:result_repaired R:root-DP(distributePolicy) D:root-distributePolicy(Distribute Policy) C:Check WebDAV credentials V:None The Rudder WebDAV user and password were updated [20/nov./2012 09:45 +0100] N:root(server.rudder.local) S:result_repaired R:hasPolicyServer-root(Rudder system policy: basic setup (common)) D:common-root(Common) C:Security parameters V:None Some internal security parameters were adjusted [20/nov./2012 09:45 +0100] N:root(server.rudder.local) S:result_repaired R:root-DP(distributePolicy) D:root-distributePolicy(Distribute Policy) C:Check WebDAV credentials V:None The Rudder WebDAV user and password were updated [20/nov./2012 09:46 +0100] N:8fee32c0-00c8-4ae8-8597-5a54a9b6a523(node1.rudder.local) S:result_error R:d0c4a57e-4715-467b-a036-a907c0d9deff(Rule42) D:87097897-95cc-4868-ab39-690b6d11076d(apache) C:apacheServer V:None Could not restart Apache HTTPD [20/nov./2012 09:46 +0100] N:8fee32c0-00c8-4ae8-8597-5a54a9b6a523(node1.rudder.local) S:result_error R:d0c4a57e-4715-467b-a036-a907c0d9deff(Rule42) D:87097897-95cc-4868-ab39-690b6d11076d(apache) C:apacheServer V:None Apache binary is not present. Something is wrong (installation failure ?)
This is the implementation part of #2988
pull request :
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 12 years ago
- Tracker changed from User story to Enhancement
- Subject changed from [Implementation] Log agent's report about failure in a dedicated logfile to Log agent's report about failure in a dedicated logfile
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 12 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
A first functionnal review had been made, some corrections had to be made before going to technical review
i made a pull request for that feature
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to In progress
Updated by François ARMAND about 12 years ago
Vincent, could you explain what are the expected modification so that it's possible to understand if they will take 5 minutes or 10 days ?
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 12 years ago
that should not take more than one day, certainly less
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 12 years ago
- Status changed from In progress to 10
- Assignee changed from Vincent MEMBRÉ to Jonathan CLARKE
The development part is finished and can now be functionnaly reviewed
Updated by François ARMAND about 12 years ago
- Status changed from 10 to Pending technical review
- Assignee deleted (
Jonathan CLARKE)
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from Pending technical review to 12
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from 12 to Pending release
This seems valid, thank you
Updated by Matthieu CERDA almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from Pending release to Released
Updated by Jonathan CLARKE almost 12 years ago
- Project changed from 34 to Rudder
- Parent task deleted (
Updated by Benoît PECCATTE almost 10 years ago
- Category changed from 39 to System integration
Updated by Benoît PECCATTE over 9 years ago
- Tracker changed from Enhancement to User story