Bug #4392
closedCan not delete custom Active techniques category
This issue was first discovered in 2.8.1 and I kind hoped that it may be addressed in 2.9.2, but unfortunately it is still present.
If I create a custom category, it is added into the LDAP tree as far as I could tell with correct attributes (see below), but when I try to delete it via the web interface, it prints in red "Error when deleting the categoy" (misspelled too) and the category remains. The file /var/log/rudder/webapp/*stderrout.log shows the message:
[2014-01-17 10:38:50] ERROR com.normation.rudder.web.components.TechniqueCategoryEditForm - Error when deleting user lib category with ID ActiveTechniqueCategoryId(b8772d1f-201f-4d9c-b876-49b850ee03cd): The given entry is not of the expected ObjectClass 'techniqueCategory'. Entry details: Entry(dn='techniqueCategoryId=b8772d1f-201f-4d9c-876-49b850ee03cd,techniqueCategoryId=systemSettings,techniqueCategoryId=Active Techniques,ou=Rudder,cn=rudder-configuration', attributes={Attribute(name=techniqueCategoryId, values={'b8772d1f-201f-4d9c-b876-49b850ee03cd'})})
However, if I query the LDAP directly it shows that the object has the requested Object Class:
# /opt/rudder/bin/ldapsearch -LLL -H ldap://localhost -x -W -D "cn=Manager,cn=rudder-configuration" -b "cn=rudder-configuration" "techniqueCategoryId=b8772d1f*" Enter LDAP Password: dn: techniqueCategoryId=b8772d1f-201f-4d9c-b876-49b850ee03cd,techniqueCategory Id=systemSettings,techniqueCategoryId=Active Techniques,ou=Rudder,cn=rudder-c onfiguration techniqueCategoryId: b8772d1f-201f-4d9c-b876-49b850ee03cd objectClass: techniqueCategory objectClass: top isSystem: FALSE cn: test
BTW, is it possible to specify the TechniqueCategoryID during creation, so it uses some descriptive name instead of a long string of chars?
I am sorry for not providing any suggested fixes (I usually try to :) but getting through the scala code is out of my league at the moment :)