User story #4961
closedClean-up js/css ressources links
Our Javascript and CSS ressources links are a mess and we need to clean them up before even considering other performance optimization on them.
So for now, at least:
- use the minified version of the used library (jquery, ui, etc). That accounts for hundreds of ko
- clean-up ressources links: prefer full feature package to individual plugins (especially for UI - each http connection is very expensive), put ALL js loading in the main template (browser are very good to optimize identic headers), etc.
Updated by François ARMAND almost 11 years ago
- Assignee changed from Ade Bradshaw to François ARMAND
Updated by François ARMAND almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from In progress to Pending technical review
- Assignee changed from François ARMAND to Nicolas CHARLES
- Pull Request set to
PR is here:
The responsivness seems to be far far better !
(or perhaps it's just a fealing coming from the clean HEAD in the common-layout).
I think I tested all the pages to check nothing brokes, but perhaps I missed some (workflows ? compliance pop-up ? etc)
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from Pending technical review to 12
oh, this has been merged, but due to bad ticket number, it does not appear
commit is : rudder:f605e2e22fa78870d0acaf9d143f310d99ff7792.
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from 12 to Pending release
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Pending release to Released
This bug has been fixed in Rudder 2.11.0~beta1 that was released yesterday.
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Updated by Benoît PECCATTE almost 10 years ago
- Tracker changed from Enhancement to User story