



Bug #5509


No groups directory in /var/rudder/configuration-repository

Added by Matthieu C over 10 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Web - Config management
Target version:
UX impact:
User visibility:
Effort required:
Name check:
Fix check:


The groups directory is absent and there is a lot of pending changes not commited to git:

[root@rudderweb2 configuration-repository]# git status
# On branch master
# Changed but not updated:
#   (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
#       deleted:    groups/025cd57c-b706-4ef9-9deb-6dc8d785063d.xml
#       deleted:    groups/02802478-0f7e-4c0c-ade8-e4c8b2677ae1.xml
#       deleted:    groups/083356d0-f1ec-4d30-a158-18d3b4d3bc36.xml
#       deleted:    groups/0e509c9b-2f92-4037-bc63-2941a36e369e.xml
#       deleted:    groups/0f8bcc72-b920-4e5b-b7ff-791dcc328f34.xml
#       deleted:    groups/116f6392-846a-4c40-9d6b-beb3707bab92.xml
#       deleted:    groups/1fc98fc8-d3e1-4339-9176-d5ace6698949.xml
#       deleted:    groups/24c1f80b-4d21-4d22-b260-8b5148bef7c5.xml
#       deleted:    groups/26105c39-43c6-478a-a45a-dd2f81199593.xml
#       deleted:    groups/27bb5090-647b-4d2f-8797-c403579f1780/0dd3fa48-a277-47a2-8e83-e4a9e7b18857.xml
#       deleted:    groups/27bb5090-647b-4d2f-8797-c403579f1780/0e9ce67c-b009-433e-bf91-a439c9bc7874.xml
#       deleted:    groups/27bb5090-647b-4d2f-8797-c403579f1780/3cd1d5e3-4794-4165-bde6-dbadea5d888c.xml
#       deleted:    groups/27bb5090-647b-4d2f-8797-c403579f1780/438a04b1-820a-4433-a751-c4ed629e88bd.xml
#       deleted:    groups/27bb5090-647b-4d2f-8797-c403579f1780/a236c20f-ceda-4241-81b2-337deb5f66d4.xml
#       deleted:    groups/27bb5090-647b-4d2f-8797-c403579f1780/c7b7648e-8b4e-4043-a7c3-79bc542ba15e.xml
#       deleted:    groups/27bb5090-647b-4d2f-8797-c403579f1780/dd4bc796-0942-44a6-b039-85e63e6b97e7.xml
#       deleted:    groups/2f3bbaad-972a-4c49-9549-bca6883d235d.xml
#       deleted:    groups/2fdca9cf-c653-4800-8292-9f4bcf1b8359.xml
#       deleted:    groups/375a4278-8c54-4c59-bd14-d3ce3b93ab87.xml
#       deleted:    groups/4aedcea4-2e5b-4767-85ea-384e06653cad.xml
#       deleted:    groups/4d5831ac-5224-45af-b286-c2937b3b9ed2.xml
#       deleted:    groups/556a2e35-6ab0-4d29-98fc-be4a525bc88a.xml
#       deleted:    groups/56119a55-e830-46ae-b6b0-5b84c774b12e.xml
#       deleted:    groups/63d46937-1fc3-40bd-9294-72912c2c98df.xml
#       deleted:    groups/66ffde7b-5dbd-4235-b486-b32b2900f930/category.xml
#       deleted:    groups/69849ce4-b819-44a1-a115-716de121197e.xml
#       deleted:    groups/6c948728-b73e-4e22-b207-04d35cf62e9d.xml
#       deleted:    groups/6ffd8b64-dcba-48ad-9abb-3083f5adc737.xml
#       deleted:    groups/7792b2fc-06ee-4554-94da-4d81a7985592.xml
#       deleted:    groups/80c33c54-7d49-4017-b0cb-a0c7b40236e8.xml
#       deleted:    groups/93320741-8ee9-44ad-b9cc-8f1cea063d90.xml
#       deleted:    groups/958a467b-f172-4e17-9f32-6498775a807b.xml
#       deleted:    groups/9638efff-c09a-484b-9ba2-80115048ca64.xml
#       deleted:    groups/9cd22b29-bce9-4aaf-9046-689834959299.xml
#       deleted:    groups/a7faf3b8-06b7-45f1-afc0-21e2db2fa6b4.xml
#       deleted:    groups/a8abde18-38fa-4518-a5ee-80f3d02e0a3f.xml
#       deleted:    groups/aca7a06e-dc8e-47d8-a5e2-349720c1b974.xml
#       deleted:    groups/ad6548c9-35f5-4815-8e41-640189de4499.xml
#       deleted:    groups/bb2a7f53-d462-440d-86f6-44862d8065f5.xml
#       deleted:    groups/bcd7d7e6-30f8-44de-a790-0ced036e7741.xml
#       deleted:    groups/be5b62fb-5d46-43e5-b465-2c14b955b1fd.xml
#       deleted:    groups/c1810ccf-73dc-49b1-8191-b99845297f90.xml
#       deleted:    groups/category.xml
#       deleted:    groups/d7db7758-e1e2-40f8-8354-97b6724a6cff.xml
#       deleted:    groups/ddcba2a9-7796-4822-8eae-77b900b67b45.xml
#       deleted:    groups/df8ac383-94fc-4fe2-b5bf-3f2d1ffdb47e.xml
#       deleted:    groups/e115d71d-acb0-4cc8-aced-9da59dbb99db.xml
#       deleted:    groups/e36da5f4-fcdf-4061-a63e-456e3f77bf91.xml
#       deleted:    groups/e561ce25-5dfb-4da6-9664-a5df97483f43.xml
#       deleted:    groups/e66f3fcb-60df-4a7d-84f0-0741aa1c74df.xml
#       deleted:    groups/eef0999b-e612-46b3-9cb1-fe2cc85b92eb.xml
#       deleted:    groups/faa50dcc-331c-4d36-9060-954b4ded5acb.xml
#       deleted:    groups/fab8e88c-c751-428e-ba42-bd3ea6a28b50.xml
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

After commiting the changes and creating a new group, I have:

[root@rudderweb2 configuration-repository]# tree groups/
`-- 27bb5090-647b-4d2f-8797-c403579f1780
    `-- 5d2bd217-1504-4d87-a6a2-cf78f72a49a2.xml

1 directory, 1 file

The category corresponding to 27bb5090-647b-4d2f-8797-c403579f1780 has 8 groups inside, only one appears in the repository (and I think the category.xml is missing)

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Has duplicate Rudder - Bug #5304: Cannot archive everything because /var/rudder/configuration-repository/groups does not existRejectedFrançois ARMAND2014-07-24Actions
Actions #1

Updated by François ARMAND over 10 years ago

  • Category set to Web - Config management
  • Assignee set to François ARMAND

Thanks for the information.

I think it's the expected behaviour, and the problem is more likelly that the groups should not have been in "deleted" state.
Normally, a "full archive" (in tab utilities > archives) should clean up everything and set a neat state back.

I will try to understand the root issue, though.

Actions #2

Updated by Matthieu C over 10 years ago

Here's the step I did to reproduce the problem:

  1. Utilities -> Archive -> Archive groups
    the directory groups/ seems to be good
  2. Delete a group in a category in Nodes management -> Groups
    the entire category seems to have been deleted from groups/ directory, nothing gets committed
    [root@rudderweb2 groups]# git status
    # On branch master
    # Changed but not updated:
    #   (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
    #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
    #       deleted:    27bb5090-647b-4d2f-8797-c403579f1780/0dd3fa48-a277-47a2-8e83-e4a9e7b18857.xml
    #       deleted:    27bb5090-647b-4d2f-8797-c403579f1780/0e9ce67c-b009-433e-bf91-a439c9bc7874.xml
    #       deleted:    27bb5090-647b-4d2f-8797-c403579f1780/3cd1d5e3-4794-4165-bde6-dbadea5d888c.xml
    #       deleted:    27bb5090-647b-4d2f-8797-c403579f1780/438a04b1-820a-4433-a751-c4ed629e88bd.xml
    #       deleted:    27bb5090-647b-4d2f-8797-c403579f1780/a236c20f-ceda-4241-81b2-337deb5f66d4.xml
    #       deleted:    27bb5090-647b-4d2f-8797-c403579f1780/c7b7648e-8b4e-4043-a7c3-79bc542ba15e.xml
    #       deleted:    27bb5090-647b-4d2f-8797-c403579f1780/category.xml
    #       deleted:    27bb5090-647b-4d2f-8797-c403579f1780/dd4bc796-0942-44a6-b039-85e63e6b97e7.xml
    no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Actions #3

Updated by François ARMAND over 10 years ago

  • Priority changed from N/A to 3

Could you please tell me the Rudder version used ?
When trying with 2.11.2, I get a sligtly different behaviour in wich only the category is deleted, and the commit is missing (not all other groups are deleted).

Note that if the category is modified and saved, the git status come back to a clean state.

Actions #4

Updated by Matthieu C over 10 years ago

rpm -qa|grep -i rudder

Actions #5

Updated by François ARMAND over 10 years ago

Thanks for the information.

That bug seems important for you, could you please details what are the bad things it makes happen (appart from the git status result)? Did you see other effects on Rudder behaviour? That would help qualify the problem.

Actions #6

Updated by Matthieu C over 10 years ago

Actually except the git status I haven't noticed anything, groups and categories are still present in the webui.

Actions #7

Updated by François ARMAND over 10 years ago

  • Target version set to 2.10.7

Seems to work in 2.6 but not in 2.10 and upward.

Actions #8

Updated by François ARMAND over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to 8
  • Priority changed from 3 to 2
Actions #9

Updated by François ARMAND over 10 years ago

Actually also present in 2.6

Actions #10

Updated by François ARMAND over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from 8 to Pending technical review
  • Assignee changed from François ARMAND to Nicolas CHARLES
  • Target version changed from 2.10.7 to 2.6.19
  • Pull Request set to

Super simple pull request here:

That was happening since immemorial times...

Actions #11

Updated by François ARMAND over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Pending technical review to Pending release
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
Actions #13

Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Pending release to Released

This bug has been fixed in Rudder 2.6.19, 2.10.7 and 2.11.4, which were these days.


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