Bug #5875
closedIt should not be possible to delete system directives
I just managed to delete some system Directives:
This was possible via the Node details screen, in the reports section where all Rules and Directives have an "Edit" icon:
By clicking on this Edit icon, I could delete Directives (but not Rules). I found this in Rudder 3.0 and 2.11 via the Edit icon, but I was also able to do this on Rudder 2.10 by accessing this URL directly: https://rudder-server-name/rudder/secure/configurationManager/directiveManagement#{"directiveId":"inventory-all"}.
I suspect this is actually two bugs:- We should not be able to delete system directives (at the internal API level)
- We should not display edit links on any system directives or rules
Since this allows to delete system Directives this is quite a bad bug. However, I don't see that is has security implications, since we can only delete existing Directives, and even then only ones that keep Rudder running, and only as an admin user.