Bug #7557
closedPromises are not regenerated during upgrade
I upgraded from 2.11nightly to 3.1nightly, on SLES11, and promises were no regenerated - it prevented reporting from happening
Event logs show
49 2015-12-07 18:49 rudder Application started Rudder starts 48 2015-12-07 18:49 rudder Policy update started automatically Automatically update policies
I also got the following errors in the logs
[2015-12-07 18:49:11] WARN com.normation.rudder.services.policies.nodeconfig.LdapNodeConfigurationCacheRepository - Ignoring following node configuration cache info because of deserialisation error: {"id":{"val ue":"4703e34e-feaa-4653-8d13-f4bb7eaebf5b"},"writtenDate":"2015-12-07T17:41:43.295Z","nodeInfoCache":1426327174,"parameterCache":-2085047362,"nodeContextCache":-1541259392,"policyCache":[{"ruleId":{"value":"inve ntory-all"},"draftId":{"value":"inventory-all@@inventory-all"},"cacheValue":-765781656},{"ruleId":{"value":"dc99a03f-4752-4850-9a98-f67c4e4b2cba"},"draftId":{"value":"dc99a03f-4752-4850-9a98-f67c4e4b2cba@@796725 8f-04cc-475e-b5bb-18f89c0cc5ef"},"cacheValue":316328241},{"ruleId":{"value":"dc99a03f-4752-4850-9a98-f67c4e4b2cba"},"draftId":{"value":"dc99a03f-4752-4850-9a98-f67c4e4b2cba@@9e926b89-d2d2-48f2-9f97-b56e1534ccc1" },"cacheValue":-1440161808},{"ruleId":{"value":"hasPolicyServer-root"},"draftId":{"value":"hasPolicyServer-root@@common-root"},"cacheValue":768346630},{"ruleId":{"value":"32377fd7-02fd-43d0-aab7-28460a91347b"}," draftId":{"value":"32377fd7-02fd-43d0-aab7-28460a91347b@@5580ad5c-81a7-4fc8-880e-39a5d343c5c8"},"cacheValue":-1182879005}]} net.liftweb.json.MappingException: Parsed JSON values do not match with class constructor args= arg types= constructor=public com.normation.rudder.services.policies.nodeconfig.NodeConfigurationCache(com.normation.inventory.domain.NodeId,scala.Option,int,int,int,scala.collection.immutable.Set)
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 9 years ago
- Assignee set to François ARMAND
- Priority changed from N/A to 1 (highest)
Ha, logs show
[2015-12-07 18:33:42] INFO migration - Migration of inline variables in Directives to 'rudder' namespace already done, skipping [2015-12-07 18:33:42] INFO bootstrap.liftweb.checks.CheckTechniqueLibraryReload - Flag file '/opt/rudder/etc/force_technique_reload' found, reload Technique library now [2015-12-07 18:33:43] INFO com.normation.cfclerk.services.impl.TechniqueRepositoryImpl - Reloading technique library, found modified technique(s): common/1.0, server-roles/1.0 [2015-12-07 18:33:43] ERROR com.normation.rudder.services.policies.SaveDirectivesOnTechniqueCallback - Error when trying to save directive based on updated Techniques <- System directive 'Server Roles' (server-r oles-directive) can't be updated <- System directive 'Common' (common-root) can't be updated <- System directive 'Common' (common-root) can't be updated [2015-12-07 18:33:43] INFO com.normation.rudder.services.policies.DeployOnTechniqueCallback - Reload Technique library at start up [2015-12-07 18:33:43] INFO com.normation.rudder.services.policies.DeploymentServiceImpl - Start policy generation, checking updated rules [2015-12-07 18:33:43] INFO bootstrap.liftweb.checks.CheckTechniqueLibraryReload - Successfully reloaded Technique library on start up. now deleting flag file '/opt/rudder/etc/force_technique_reload' [2015-12-07 18:33:43] INFO bootstrap.liftweb.checks.CheckTechniqueLibraryReload - Flag file '/opt/rudder/etc/force_technique_reload' successfully removed
Updated by Jonathan CLARKE about 9 years ago
Also, if the promise generation launched by a technique reload fails, we should not finish with "Successfully reloaded Technique library" and removing the reload file.
If we leave the reload file, the next rudder-jetty restart could try again and maybe succeed. If we don't (as now), we're doomed except for manual intervention.
Updated by François ARMAND about 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to In progress
Updated by François ARMAND about 9 years ago
- Status changed from In progress to Pending technical review
- Assignee changed from François ARMAND to Vincent MEMBRÉ
- Pull Request set to https://github.com/Normation/rudder/pull/988
Updated by François ARMAND about 9 years ago
- Status changed from Pending technical review to Pending release
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset rudder|2f616d022098736bdad4a6c26f6d5319e4fadddb.
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 9 years ago
Applied in changeset rudder|583975a06881e00cc6066350344274249406a583.
Updated by François ARMAND about 9 years ago
Applied in changeset rudder|4c7f85d6312f255faf0279ded45590580505a1bf.
Updated by François ARMAND about 9 years ago
- Target version changed from 3.1.5 to 2.11.17
The problem is in 2.11 and the patch was backported to that branch in 4c7f85d
Updated by François ARMAND about 9 years ago
- Category set to Web - Config management
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 9 years ago
- Subject changed from During upgrade from 2.11nightly to 3.1nightly, promises are not regenerated to Promises are not regenerated during upgrade
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 9 years ago
- Status changed from Pending release to Released