Architecture #8404
openrtf: rudder-node-to-relay fails on the server (when missing a x.y.z-N version of one dependency)
Rudder tests
Target version:
Pull Request:
Effort required:
Name check:
Fix check:
With the following platform definition
{ "default":{ "run-with": "vagrant", "rudder-version": "3.2.3", "system": "debian8", "inventory-os": "debian" }, "server": { "rudder-setup": "server" }, "relay": { "rudder-setup": "relay", "system" : "debian8" }, "agent1": { "rudder-setup": "agent", "system" : "debian7", "server": "relay" }, "agent2": { "rudder-setup": "agent", "system" : "debian6" } }
The rudder-node-to-relay part of the installation of the relay fails with the following message:
.... R: @@Common@@log_info@@hasPolicyServer-root@@common-root@@1@@common@@EndRun@@2016-05-27 08:12:20+00:00##root@#End execution with config [-981466262] /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/urllib3/ InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advi sed. See: InsecureRequestWarning) { "nodes": [ { "hostname": "relay.rudder.local", "id": "8d232ec8-335b-46bc-8990-d5ee2cc244f2", "machineType": "Virtual", "osName": "Debian", "osVersion": "[7.8]", "status": "accepted" } ] } Traceback (most recent call last): File "./rtf", line 875, in <module> platform.setup(client_path) File "./rtf", line 358, in setup print("/opt/rudder/bin/rudder-node-to-relay "+relay)) File "./rtf", line 219, in run value = check_output("vagrant ssh " + self.hostid + " -c \"sudo PATH=$PATH:/vagrant/scripts LANG=C " + command + "\" -- -q", shell=True) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 573, in check_output raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output=output) subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'vagrant ssh debian8_server -c "sudo PATH=$PATH:/vagrant/scripts LANG=C /opt/rudder/bin/rudder-node-to-relay 8d232ec8-335b-46bc-8990-d5ee 2cc244f2" -- -q' returned non-zero exit status 127
Executing /opt/rudder/bin/rudder-node-to-relay 8d232ec8-335b-46bc-8990-d5ee2cc244f2 directly on the server works.
Updated by Benoît PECCATTE over 8 years ago
It is because 3.2.3 doesn't exist. It's 3.2.3-5
This is a long standing issue, we don't alias package repositories when we retag versions.
Updated by Benoît PECCATTE over 7 years ago
- Severity set to Major - prevents use of part of Rudder | no simple workaround
- User visibility set to Infrequent - complex configurations | third party integrations
- Priority set to 0
Updated by François ARMAND over 7 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Architecture
- Subject changed from rtf: rudder-node-to-relay fails on the server to rtf: rudder-node-to-relay fails on the server (when missing a x.y.z-N version of one dependency)