Bug #9444
closedWhen accepting 100 nodes, I randomly get multiple policy generation
I accepted 100 nodes, and as a result, I had:
select count(*) from nodeconfigurations where enddate is null; count ------- 5460 (1 row)
and for events logs:
36 Policy update started automatically
10 Policy update finished successfully
82 Node Group modified
100 Node accepted
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES over 8 years ago
clear cache restore a sane number of opened nodeconfiguration
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES over 8 years ago
ok, accepting one node doubled the number of opened node configuration
Detail debugs are:
[2016-10-18 23:05:31] DEBUG report - [Store Agent Run Times #482] (2 ms) Added or updated 0 agent runs [2016-10-18 23:05:33] INFO com.normation.rudder.services.servers.NewNodeManagerImpl - New node accepted and managed by Rudder: 77d15bea-28d7-4a36-8e54-71adfb085a49 [2016-10-18 23:05:33] DEBUG debug_timing - Accepting node 77d15bea-28d7-4a36-8e54-71adfb085a49: 312ms [2016-10-18 23:05:34] DEBUG debug_timing - Getting node info entries: 285ms [2016-10-18 23:05:34] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.nodes.NodeInfoServiceCachedImpl - NodeInfo cache is not up to date, last modification time: '2016-10-18T23:05:33.000+02:00', last cache update: '1970-01-01T01:00:00.000+01:00' => reseting cache with 513 entries [2016-10-18 23:05:34] DEBUG debug_timing - Get node info (513 ldap node info): 312ms [2016-10-18 23:05:34] DEBUG debug_timing - Cache for nodes info expire ?: 9ms [2016-10-18 23:05:34] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.nodes.NodeInfoServiceCachedImpl - NodeInfo cache is up to date, last modification time: '2016-10-18T23:05:33.000+02:00' [2016-10-18 23:05:34] DEBUG debug_timing - Get node info (513 ldap node info): 10ms [2016-10-18 23:05:34] WARN com.normation.rudder.repository.xml.GitNodeGroupArchiverImpl - Auto-archive git failure: not found in git added files: 'groups/785d1206-bb00-40f4-983d-3580beff383b.xml'. You can safelly ignore that warning if the file was already existing in Git and was not modified by that archive. [2016-10-18 23:05:35] DEBUG debug_timing - Cache for nodes info expire ?: 9ms [2016-10-18 23:05:35] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.nodes.NodeInfoServiceCachedImpl - NodeInfo cache is up to date, last modification time: '2016-10-18T23:05:33.000+02:00' [2016-10-18 23:05:35] DEBUG debug_timing - Get node info (513 ldap node info): 10ms [2016-10-18 23:05:35] WARN com.normation.rudder.repository.xml.GitNodeGroupArchiverImpl - Auto-archive git failure: not found in git added files: 'groups/cc615903-3eae-4b1d-ba94-c3581d0087dd/d044cb9c-08f7-4a55-8c6c-924f92aef4bb.xml'. You can safelly ignore that warning if the file was already existing in Git and was not modified by that archive. [2016-10-18 23:05:35] INFO com.normation.rudder.batch.UpdateDynamicGroups$LAUpdateDyngroupManager - Dynamic group hasPolicyServer-root: added node with id: [ 77d15bea-28d7-4a36-8e54-71adfb085a49 ], removed: nothing [2016-10-18 23:05:35] INFO com.normation.rudder.batch.UpdateDynamicGroups$LAUpdateDyngroupManager - Dynamic group 785d1206-bb00-40f4-983d-3580beff383b: added node with id: [ 77d15bea-28d7-4a36-8e54-71adfb085a49 ], removed: nothing [2016-10-18 23:05:35] INFO com.normation.rudder.batch.UpdateDynamicGroups$LAUpdateDyngroupManager - Dynamic group d044cb9c-08f7-4a55-8c6c-924f92aef4bb: added node with id: [ 77d15bea-28d7-4a36-8e54-71adfb085a49 ], removed: nothing [2016-10-18 23:05:35] INFO com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Start policy generation, checking updated rules [2016-10-18 23:05:35] DEBUG debug_timing - Cache for nodes info expire ?: 8ms [2016-10-18 23:05:35] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.nodes.NodeInfoServiceCachedImpl - NodeInfo cache is up to date, last modification time: '2016-10-18T23:05:33.000+02:00' [2016-10-18 23:05:35] DEBUG debug_timing - Get node info (all nodes info): 9ms [2016-10-18 23:05:35] INFO com.normation.rudder.domain.licenses.NovaLicense - Reading license of node root [2016-10-18 23:05:35] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - All relevant information fetched in 397 ms, start names historization. [2016-10-18 23:05:36] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Node contexts built in 608 ms, start to build new node configurations. [2016-10-18 23:05:36] DEBUG report - [Store Agent Run Times #483] checking agent runs from SQL ID 1614355 [2016-10-18T23:05:31.443+02:00 - 2016-10-18T23:05:36.447+02:00] [2016-10-18 23:05:36] DEBUG report - [Store Agent Run Times #483] (3 ms) Added or updated 0 agent runs [2016-10-18 23:05:36] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Historization of names done in 322 ms, start to build rule values. [2016-10-18 23:05:36] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - RuleVals built in 1 ms, start to expand their values. [2016-10-18 23:05:37] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Node's target configuration built in 742 ms, start to update rule values. [2016-10-18 23:05:37] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - RuleVals updated in 278 ms, start to detect changes in node configuration. [2016-10-18 23:05:37] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Checked node configuration updates leading to rules serial number updates and serial number updated in 19 ms [2016-10-18 23:05:37] INFO com.normation.rudder.services.policies.nodeconfig.NodeConfigurationServiceImpl - Configuration of following nodes were updated, their promises are going to be written: [77d15bea-28d7-4a36-8e54-71adfb085a49, root] [2016-10-18 23:05:37] DEBUG explain_compliance - Updated node configuration ids: [77d15bea-28d7-4a36-8e54-71adfb085a49:???->368e999d][root:845196d4->c121c89b] [2016-10-18 23:05:38] WARN com.normation.rudder.services.policies.write.Cf3PromisesFileWriterServiceImpl - Failed to reload CFEngine server promises with command "/usr/bin/killall -SIGHUP cf-serverd" - cause is cf-serverd: aucun processus trouvé [2016-10-18 23:05:38] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Node configuration written on filesystem in 211 ms [2016-10-18 23:05:38] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Node configuration cached in LDAP in 522 ms [2016-10-18 23:05:38] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Node configuration written in 820 ms, start to update expected reports. [2016-10-18 23:05:38] DEBUG debug_timing - saveNodeExpectedReports: find old nodes config in 0ms [2016-10-18 23:05:38] DEBUG debug_timing - saveNodeExpectedReports: find old config info 0ms [2016-10-18 23:05:39] DEBUG debug_timing - saveNodeExpectedReports: save configs etc in 677ms [2016-10-18 23:05:39] WARN debug_timing - updating expected node configuration in base took: 957ms [2016-10-18 23:05:39] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.reports.CachedReportingServiceImpl - Compliance cache: invalidate cache for nodes: [77d15bea-28d7-4a36-8e54-71adfb085a49,root] [2016-10-18 23:05:39] DEBUG debug_timing - Cache for nodes info expire ?: 13ms [2016-10-18 23:05:39] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.nodes.NodeInfoServiceCachedImpl - NodeInfo cache is up to date, last modification time: '2016-10-18T23:05:33.000+02:00' [2016-10-18 23:05:39] DEBUG debug_timing - Get node info (all nodes info): 13ms [2016-10-18 23:05:39] DEBUG debug_timing - Compliance: get run infos: 93ms [2016-10-18 23:05:39] DEBUG debug_timing - Compliance: compute compliance reports: 45ms [2016-10-18 23:05:39] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.reports.CachedReportingServiceImpl - Compliance cache miss (updated):[77d15bea-28d7-4a36-8e54-71adfb085a49 , root], hit:[] [2016-10-18 23:05:39] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Reports updated in 1165 ms [2016-10-18 23:05:39] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Timing summary: [2016-10-18 23:05:39] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Fetch all information : 397 ms [2016-10-18 23:05:39] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Historize names : 322 ms [2016-10-18 23:05:39] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Build current rule values : 1 ms [2016-10-18 23:05:39] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Build target configuration: 742 ms [2016-10-18 23:05:39] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Update rule vals : 278 ms [2016-10-18 23:05:39] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Increment rule serials : 19 ms [2016-10-18 23:05:39] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Write node configurations : 820 ms [2016-10-18 23:05:39] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Save expected reports : 1165 ms [2016-10-18 23:05:39] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Policy generation completed in 4352 ms [2016-10-18 23:05:39] INFO com.normation.rudder.batch.AsyncDeploymentAgent - Successful policy update '136' [started 2016-10-18 23:05:35 - ended 2016-10-18 23:05:39]
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES over 8 years ago
interestingly, hitting "update" right after accepting a node triggers a full generation, and increase the number of opened nodeconfiguration (add all nodes)
[2016-10-18 23:08:15] INFO com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Start policy generation, checking updated rules [2016-10-18 23:08:15] DEBUG debug_timing - Cache for nodes info expire ?: 10ms [2016-10-18 23:08:15] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.nodes.NodeInfoServiceCachedImpl - NodeInfo cache is up to date, last modification time: '2016-10-18T23:05:33.000+02:00' [2016-10-18 23:08:15] DEBUG debug_timing - Get node info (all nodes info): 10ms [2016-10-18 23:08:16] INFO com.normation.rudder.domain.licenses.NovaLicense - Reading license of node root [2016-10-18 23:08:16] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - All relevant information fetched in 360 ms, start names historization. [2016-10-18 23:08:16] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Node contexts built in 463 ms, start to build new node configurations. [2016-10-18 23:08:16] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Historization of names done in 260 ms, start to build rule values. [2016-10-18 23:08:16] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - RuleVals built in 1 ms, start to expand their values. [2016-10-18 23:08:17] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Node's target configuration built in 1003 ms, start to update rule values. [2016-10-18 23:08:18] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - RuleVals updated in 275 ms, start to detect changes in node configuration. [2016-10-18 23:08:18] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Checked node configuration updates leading to rules serial number updates and serial number updated in 20 ms [2016-10-18 23:08:18] DEBUG report - [Store Agent Run Times #515] checking agent runs from SQL ID 1614408 [2016-10-18T23:08:13.047+02:00 - 2016-10-18T23:08:18.062+02:00] [2016-10-18 23:08:18] DEBUG report - [Store Agent Run Times #515] (7 ms) Added or updated 0 agent runs [2016-10-18 23:08:18] INFO com.normation.rudder.services.policies.nodeconfig.NodeConfigurationServiceImpl - No node configuration was updated, no promises to write [2016-10-18 23:08:18] DEBUG explain_compliance - Updated node configuration ids: [2016-10-18 23:08:18] WARN com.normation.rudder.services.policies.write.Cf3PromisesFileWriterServiceImpl - Failed to reload CFEngine server promises with command "/usr/bin/killall -SIGHUP cf-serverd" - cause is cf-serverd: aucun processus trouvé [2016-10-18 23:08:18] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Node configuration written on filesystem in 16 ms [2016-10-18 23:08:18] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Node configuration cached in LDAP in 180 ms [2016-10-18 23:08:18] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Node configuration written in 292 ms, start to update expected reports. [2016-10-18 23:08:18] DEBUG debug_timing - saveNodeExpectedReports: find old nodes config in 0ms [2016-10-18 23:08:18] DEBUG debug_timing - saveNodeExpectedReports: find old config info 0ms [2016-10-18 23:08:19] DEBUG debug_timing - saveNodeExpectedReports: save configs etc in 546ms [2016-10-18 23:08:19] WARN debug_timing - updating expected node configuration in base took: 1009ms [2016-10-18 23:08:19] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.reports.CachedReportingServiceImpl - Compliance cache: invalidate cache for nodes: [] [2016-10-18 23:08:19] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Reports updated in 1063 ms [2016-10-18 23:08:19] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Timing summary: [2016-10-18 23:08:19] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Fetch all information : 360 ms [2016-10-18 23:08:19] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Historize names : 260 ms [2016-10-18 23:08:19] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Build current rule values : 1 ms [2016-10-18 23:08:19] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Build target configuration: 1003 ms [2016-10-18 23:08:19] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Update rule vals : 275 ms [2016-10-18 23:08:19] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Increment rule serials : 20 ms [2016-10-18 23:08:19] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Write node configurations : 292 ms [2016-10-18 23:08:19] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Save expected reports : 1063 ms [2016-10-18 23:08:19] DEBUG com.normation.rudder.services.policies.PromiseGenerationServiceImpl - Policy generation completed in 3738 ms [2016-10-18 23:08:19] INFO com.normation.rudder.batch.AsyncDeploymentAgent - Successful policy update '137' [started 2016-10-18 23:08:15 - ended 2016-10-18 23:08:19]
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES over 8 years ago
ok, some more details:
After accepting one node, and hitting once update, I get 3 opened node configuration for all nodes, 2 for root, and 2 for the new node
My theory: we accept a node, it has a policy (so its configuration), all nodes but root don't change (one extra configuration), and root is updated (so a new configuration, the old one is closed)
we regenerate: they all get a new opened configuration
this is confirmed by the date of opened configuration: root and new node have the same, other node have an extra one in the past
Updated by François ARMAND over 8 years ago
- Related to Bug #9415: Nodes have several open nodeconfigurations added
Updated by François ARMAND over 8 years ago
This one seems to have two clearly seperated parts:
- one about not correctly closed configuration, that is almost certainly linked to #9415
- one about two many regeneration when accepting multiple nodes.
I'm retargeting that issue to the second part, and the first part will be handled in #9415.
So, for multiple generation, we need to :
- find the last occurences of that problem, when and how they were corrected ;
- check that the behavior is the one expected in 3.1 / 3.2 * if not, double check if it wasn't a concious decesions to make one generation by node, for some not remembered cause (latency for a node to get its promises ?)
- and given the answers to previous point, recalify that ticket.
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 8 years ago
- Target version changed from 318 to 4.0.0~rc2
Updated by François ARMAND over 8 years ago
- Subject changed from When accepting 100 nodes, I randomly get multiple policy generation, and unclosed nodeconfigurations to When accepting 100 nodes, I randomly get multiple policy generation
Updated by François ARMAND over 8 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.0.0~rc2 to 321
Updated by Alexis Mousset over 8 years ago
- Target version changed from 321 to 4.0.1
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 8 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 8 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 8 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.0.3 to 4.0.4
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES almost 8 years ago
- Related to Bug #10446: Policy validation fails added
Updated by Benoît PECCATTE almost 8 years ago
- Severity set to Minor - inconvenience | misleading | easy workaround
- User visibility set to Operational - other Techniques | Technique editor | Rudder settings
- Priority set to 16
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 8 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.0.4 to 4.0.5
Updated by Jonathan CLARKE almost 8 years ago
- Assignee deleted (
François ARMAND) - Priority changed from 16 to 15
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 8 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.0.5 to 4.0.6
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 8 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.0.6 to 4.0.7
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 7 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.0.7 to 357
Updated by Alexis Mousset over 7 years ago
- Target version changed from 357 to 4.1.6
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 7 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.1.6 to 4.1.7
- Priority changed from 29 to 28
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 7 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.1.7 to 4.1.8
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 7 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.1.8 to 4.1.9
- Priority changed from 28 to 27
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 7 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.1.9 to 4.1.10
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 7 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.1.10 to 4.1.11
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 7 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.1.11 to 4.1.12
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 7 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.1.12 to 4.1.13
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 6 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.1.13 to 4.1.14
Updated by Benoît PECCATTE over 6 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.1.14 to 4.1.15
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 6 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.1.15 to 4.1.16
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 6 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.1.16 to 4.1.17
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 6 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.1.17 to 4.1.18
- Priority changed from 27 to 0
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 6 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.1.18 to 4.1.19
Updated by Alexis Mousset about 6 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.1.19 to 4.1.20
Updated by François ARMAND almost 6 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.1.20 to 4.1.21
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 6 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.1.21 to 4.1.22
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 6 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.1.22 to 4.1.23
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ almost 6 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.1.23 to 4.1.24
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ over 5 years ago
- Target version changed from 4.1.24 to 588
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
This doesn't happen any more !
Updated by Alexis Mousset about 5 years ago
- Target version changed from 588 to 4.1.24