Bug #9630
closedCompressing the ldap backup hangs if would require to overwrite it
Pull Request:
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I have decompressed an ldap-backup (with keep-option) to look up something, and left it there.
At the next agent run I have noticed it hanging during execution. A pstree and strace did reveal that the gzip apprears to wait for input.
Trace of process 20165 - /bin/gzip /var/rudder/ldap/backup/openldap-data-20161104125423.ldif Process 20165 attached - interrupt to quit read(0,
/bin/bash └─ /bin/sh /opt/rudder/share/commands/agent-run ├─ /bin/sh /opt/rudder/share/commands/agent-run │ └─ awk -v info 0 -v full_strings 0 -v summary_only 0 -v quiet 0 -v multiline 0 -v green \033[1;32m -v darkgreen \033[0;32m -v red └─ /var/rudder/cfengine-community/bin/cf-agent -Calways -K └─ /bin/gzip /var/rudder/ldap/backup/openldap-data-20161104125423.ldif
I had to press "q" to continue with the run:
success server-roles Check rudder status The http://localhost:8080/rudder/api/status web application is running success server-roles Check endpoint status The http://localhost:8080/endpoint/api/status web application is running success server-roles Check slapd process The slapd process is already running q 2016-11-04T16:21:10+0000 error: /default/root_component_check/methods/'any'/default/compress_ldap_backups/files/'/var/rudder/ldap/backup'[0]: Finished command related to promiser '/var/rudder/ldap/backup' -- an error occurred, returned 2 2016-11-04T16:21:10+0000 error: /default/root_component_check/methods/'any'/default/compress_ldap_backups/files/'/var/rudder/ldap/backup'[0]: Transformer '/var/rudder/ldap/backup/openldap-data-20161104125423.ldif' => '/bin/gzip "/var/rudder/ldap/backup/openldap-data-20161104125423.ldif"' returned error 2016-11-04T16:21:10+0000 error: /default/root_component_check/methods/'any'[0]: Method 'compress_ldap_backups' failed in some repairs success server-roles Check PostgreSQL configu| The SuSE specific postgresql configuration is present success server-roles Check postgresql process The postgresql process is already running success server-roles Check postgresql boot sc| Check postgresql boot starting parameters was correct
Gzipping the files should have the force option at the ldap-log-compression part of the promises.
Updated by Janos Mattyasovszky over 8 years ago
- Subject changed from Compressing the ldap backups hangs if if would require to overwrite it to Compressing the ldap backup hangs if would require to overwrite it
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to In progress
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES over 8 years ago
- Status changed from In progress to Pending technical review
- Assignee changed from Nicolas CHARLES to Benoît PECCATTE
- Pull Request set to
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Pending technical review to Pending release
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset rudder-techniques|6c1b0cef2b072292405a7d4759ce8d786a9bad3b.
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 8 years ago
- Category changed from System techniques to System integration
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 8 years ago
- Status changed from Pending release to Released