7.3 locked Maintained: Yes 61% 141 issues (84 closed — 57 open) Related issues Bug #22090: Datasource broken b/c version of dependencyManagement provided XML lib is not enforced in children projects Actions Bug #22501: API selft-service token is not in user management but in API extended authz Actions Bug #22771: Still some chances to datasource for 7.3 backport Actions Bug #23117: Error is not clear when we access a plugin page without rights Actions Bug #23348: not allowed to access errors because rudder plugins are missing AuthorizationApiMapping Actions Bug #23693: HTTP request for Windows was always made in CVE Actions Bug #23813: Add explicit type for implicits needed in scala 2.13.12 Actions Bug #23814: Add explicit type for implicit needed in scala 2.13.12 (private plugins) Actions Bug #24145: Make openscap not licensed in release build Actions Bug #24191: Make version of backport branch ok for rudder-package Actions Bug #24192: Fix documentation typo for usermanagement JsonUser Actions Bug #24747: Openscap nightlies are still in need of a license Actions Bug #25558: Ignore DoS in semver npm dependency Actions Architecture #22639: Update windows submodule for 7.3 Actions Architecture #23984: Change sequence/traverse in plugins too Actions Architecture #23985: Change sequence/traverse in plugins private too Actions Architecture #24027: Erase solaris plugin since we don't support that OS Actions Architecture #24046: Add new Jenkinsfile-release Actions Architecture #24148: Backport user in base for plugins Actions Architecture #24533: Update to scala 3 syntax - branch 7.3 - public plugins Actions Architecture #24534: Update to scala 3 syntax - branch 7.3 - private plugins Actions Architecture #24825: User version 2.2.1 of license lib Actions Enhancement #23907: List change requests with additional filters Actions API authorizations - Bug #21724: Categories can't be folded in ACL API with authorization plugin Actions Authentication backends - Bug #16093: When LDAP auth time out, we get an exception in place of a nice explanation message Actions Authentication backends - Bug #21074: Oauth login error are not displayed on rudder login screen Actions Authentication backends - Bug #22158: LDAP auth backend should deref link to allows finding user in remote directory Actions Authentication backends - Bug #23112: Add the role-retrieving OIDC feature to OAuth2 Actions Authentication backends - Bug #23254: User management plugin incorrectly understands OIDC roles Actions Authentication backends - Bug #23306: OIDC authentication backend is not listed in user-management plugin Actions Authentication backends - Bug #23314: Update role overriding warning based on actual OIDC configuration Actions Authentication backends - Bug #23419: Bad doc for known authentication backends Actions Authentication backends - Bug #23919: One note section is not rendered in auth-backend plugin Actions Authentication backends - Bug #23986: Remove warning about missing () Actions Authentication backends - Bug #24042: When the Oauth2 role provisioning attribute is incorrect, the error is misleading Actions Authentication backends - Bug #24130: Stack trace on bad OAuth2 config Actions Authentication backends - Bug #24202: No API right with OIDC provided roles Actions Authentication backends - Bug #24247: Authentication protocol names should be normalized to lowercase Actions Authentication backends - Bug #24296: Log on user api authorizations should use a debug string for ACL Actions Authentication backends - Bug #24344: Merge user-management and auth-backend plugins feature branch to 7.3 Actions Authentication backends - Bug #24364: Remove RPKG variable that creates plugin with wrong version Actions Authentication backends - Bug #24384: Documentation for OIDC properties is not up to date Actions Authentication backends - Bug #24469: Update JWT lib for CVE-2023-52428 Actions Authentication backends - Bug #25458: All OIDC user are disabled at once Actions Authentication backends - User story #22738: OIDC provided custom role list Actions Authentication backends - User story #24182: Add a role mapping and filtering for OIDC provided roles Actions Authentication backends - Architecture #24189: No API right with aliased roles Actions Authentication backends - Enhancement #23022: Better debug logs for OIDC provided roles Actions Authentication backends - Enhancement #23154: Add how-to enable debug log for ldap authentication Actions Authentication backends - Enhancement #23321: Add example log trace for LDAP connection errors Actions Branding - Bug #22566: Enabling branding plugin top bar causes minor glitches in the interface Actions Branding - Enhancement #12851: Selecting a specific color with the branding plugin is REALLY hard Actions Branding - Enhancement #18628: bad vertical alignement with 6.2 Actions Centreon - Bug #13701: Hostnames are case insensitive in Centreon but not in Rudder Actions Centreon - Bug #16532: centreon-plugin not apply technics Actions Centreon - Bug #16579: centreon.plugin requests Not found Actions Centreon - Bug #20526: error when adding a node in centreon 21.10 Actions Change validation - Bug #9682: Broken change request when changing policy mode Actions Change validation - Bug #14766: When accepting a change request on a group, it's node list should be computed before saving Actions Change validation - Bug #14778: Enabling a disabled rule does not create a change request Actions Change validation - Bug #16265: Warn message at install Actions Change validation - Bug #17809: If tables are missing, the error notification toast disappears almost instantly Actions Change validation - Bug #19947: list of changes on a directive cannot be read Actions Change validation - Bug #19948: Change validation in 7.0 doesn't show the list of pending CR on a Directive as it does in 6.2 Actions Change validation - Bug #22360: All change in rules are marked "from API" Actions Change validation - Bug #22361: Adapt code to changes from #22206 (custom roles) Actions Change validation - Bug #22443: Change validation must be adapted to user custom roles changes Actions Change validation - Bug #22462: Workflow is not triggered when modifying directive Actions Change validation - Bug #22503: Add a property to validate all change Actions Change validation - Bug #22601: Missing validation button with admin Actions Change validation - Bug #22993: Can't deploy, “Configuration state of the object modified by this change request has changed” looping Actions Change validation - Bug #22994: Inconsistency between displayed directive contents and actual deployed configuration Actions Change validation - Bug #23446: Change request on special:all_nodes_without_role lead to error Actions Change validation - Bug #24111: Pending deployment action are completely messed up Actions Change validation - Bug #24143: When self deployment is disabled, you can still deploy your changes. Actions Change validation - Bug #24249: Fix typo in HTML of the setting to validate all changes Actions Change validation - Bug #24293: change validation plugin documentation refers to Rudder 5.0 Actions Change validation - Bug #24845: Option to force validation of change requests cannot be set via API Actions Change validation - User story #24206: We need an option to force validation of change requests Actions Consul - Bug #18459: Add the verify_cert option to the consul plugin Actions Datasources - Bug #16738: Duplicate API method name leads to doc/tool error Actions Datasources - Bug #22253: Error are not displayed in the UI Actions Datasources - Bug #22650: Exception raised cause error 500 for accept new node from API Actions Datasources - Bug #22971: Spurious test error on the killing of old fiber on datasource save/delete Actions Datasources - Bug #23141: Schedule not displayed correctly in logs Actions Datasources - Bug #23563: When a datasource is deleted, its properties should be deleted Actions Datasources - Bug #23875: Rename the "Add data source" button to "Create" Actions Datasources - Bug #24657: Datasource initial request timeout is zero and has confusing error Actions Datasources - Bug #24658: Datasources update trigger time units are not correct Actions Datasources - Bug #25022: Similar dead lock in datasource for 7.3 Actions Datasources - Enhancement #23679: Add a plugin bootstrap check to delete datasource properties owned by deleted datasource Actions GLPI - Bug #13699: We need a visible error message when the inventory upload to GLPi fails Actions GLPI - Bug #22731: Rudder-plugin-glpi sends inventory of node that no longer exists Actions GLPI - Bug #24119: GLPI plugin fails to send inventory Actions GLPI - User story #22893: Allow to patch fqdn when sending inventories to glpi Actions Node external reports - Bug #16963: Configuration file is replaced when plugin is upgraded Actions Node external reports - Bug #16966: Plugin doesn't show ay report in 6.0 Actions Node external reports - Bug #19706: improve display of plugin in 7.0 Actions Notifications - Bug #22415: Documentation of the plugin is not enough to understand what it does Actions OpenSCAP - Bug #16954: we should be able to set the option --fetch-remote-resources Actions OpenSCAP - Bug #17530: Openscap plugin does not work on root server Actions OpenSCAP - Bug #17581: improve doc to link to openscap documentation Actions OpenSCAP - Bug #17743: pt back openscap report sanitization Actions OpenSCAP - Bug #20642: Audit is not run in audit mode Actions OpenSCAP - Bug #22688: Error at upgrade from 7.2 to 7.3 Actions OpenSCAP - Bug #22773: error when uninstalling the plugin in rudder 7.3 Actions OpenSCAP - Bug #24003: Update antisamy for security issue (CVE-2023-43643) Actions OpenSCAP - Bug #24004: Add neko-htmlUnit as dependency due to security checks Actions Scale-out relay - Bug #7751: When we delete a relay, all system groups and directive related to this relay are not deleted Actions Scale-out relay - Bug #16192: Add documentation on what is and what does a relay Actions Scale-out relay - Bug #16754: TLS connection error to a fresh relay - cf-serverd config not reloaded Actions Scale-out relay - Bug #19998: Command rudder server node-to-relay fails with curl error about proxy on debian Actions User management - Bug #15823: Name collision between api token / user token and missing error message Actions User management - Bug #16795: Removing a user should ask for confirmation Actions User management - Bug #17677: Plugin user management does not recongnize that the pre-hashed value isn't a hash Actions User management - Bug #17680: Getting a server error page when creating a user with the same username Actions User management - Bug #21757: User created by this plugin cannot connect Actions User management - Bug #21932: Role dropdown menu is not convenient Actions User management - Bug #22349: Update user plugin to manage update custom roles Actions User management - Bug #22458: Adapt user-management plugin to parseRight (#22457) Actions User management - Bug #22508: UI rendering for user creation save/delete buttons broken Actions User management - Bug #22580: Plugin writes "roles" in place of "permissions" Actions User management - Bug #22697: save button is "SaveSave" Actions User management - Bug #22698: I created a custom role "cve_access", and now some users (but not all) had the right added Actions User management - Bug #23079: <authentications> must not have a "s" in user-management doc Actions User management - Bug #23315: Replicate change in Rights from rudder-core Actions User management - Bug #23432: User management menu is shown with read rights but need write ones Actions User management - Bug #24115: We can create a user with a space in the username but we cannot delete it after Actions User management - Bug #24184: User management roles and permissions are intermingled in the UI Actions User management - Bug #24187: Users cards are not evenly aligned and some blank space Actions User management - Bug #24219: Display user detail using information from database Actions User management - Bug #24281: Modify and show user information from database Actions User management - Bug #24298: Display current session permission and split appart form to update user details Actions User management - Bug #24318: Existing deleted user managed by file cannot be reactivated Actions User management - Bug #24410: Correct user-management build Actions User management - Bug #24848: Impact on user management: missing get with new param Actions User management - Enhancement #22385: Update user-management doc for custom-roles Actions Vault - Bug #22541: Vault plugin fails to uninstall properly Actions Zabbix - Bug #16497: bug with Zabbix plugin on the 5.0 branch regarding apply-configuration operation Actions Zabbix - Bug #22643: plugin fails because user is not a valid field anymore Actions Zabbix - Bug #24873: Python lint error in the zabbix plugin Actions
8.1 open Maintained: Yes 35% 228 issues (79 closed — 149 open) Related issues Bug #22321: Ignore DoS in npm plugin dependencies Actions Bug #24121: Add a multi-tenants plugins Actions Bug #24127: Let the plugins Makefile build target without including them in the resulting rpkg Actions Bug #24163: gulp-sass missing for datasources Actions Bug #24167: Actually other gulp plugins are missing Actions Bug #24246: Private plugins with jar files contain duplicated files Actions Bug #24368: Remove duplicated files from some plugins Actions Bug #24623: Several compilation error following change in rudder-core Actions Bug #24624: Several compilation error following change in rudder-core - private plugins Actions Bug #24727: Groups node ids list in API should be filtered by tenant in plugins Actions Bug #25027: Missing make command in the build process Actions Bug #25029: xz-utils not found when building plugins Actions Bug #25030: Missing ar command in builds Actions Bug #25450: Impact of public plugins of new tests Actions Bug #25451: Impact of new tests on private plugins Actions Bug #25460: Bump typos-cli to 1.24.5 Actions Bug #25805: Use the system token header file in plugin scripts Actions Bug #25808: Use the system token header file in the CIS docs Actions Bug #26111: Impact of score querycontext in private plugins Actions Architecture #24029: license plugin checks are not building since node facts changes Actions Architecture #24396: Migrate to scala 3 source compat - branch 8.1 - plugins Actions Architecture #24397: Migrate to scala 3 source compat - branch 8.1 - plugins private Actions Architecture #24521: Remove ansible-policies plugin Actions Architecture #24555: Use enumeratum in place of sealarate for scala3 migration - public plugins Actions Architecture #24556: Use enumeratum in place of sealarate for scala3 migration - private plugins Actions Architecture #24880: Add basic elm-review config - plugins Actions Architecture #24886: Add basic elm-review config - plugins-private Actions Enhancement #23444: Impact of adding UserInfo base on public plugins Actions Enhancement #24050: Integrate Sass with front-end development tools Actions Enhancement #24477: Add description field to plugin metadata Actions Enhancement #24524: Add description field to plugin metadata - private Actions Enhancement #24525: Add description field to plugin metadata Actions API authorizations - Bug #24214: Fix UI issues caused by bootstrap update in api-authorization plugin Actions API authorizations - Bug #24433: API authorization menu below username is barely usable Actions API authorizations - Bug #24450: Update API ACL plugin Actions API authorizations - Bug #24451: Update user token dropdown for bootstrap 5 Actions API authorizations - Bug #24585: API authorization menu has two different icons to open it Actions API authorizations - Bug #24979: API accounts cannot be changed when api-authorizations plugin is enabled Actions API authorizations - Bug #25668: OIDC users cannot use api-authorizations tokens because they have no API rights Actions API authorizations - Bug #25999: Disabling user rest API token feature from api-authorizations plugin UI Actions Authentication backends - Bug #24218: Fix UI issues caused by bootstrap update in auth-backends plugin Actions Authentication backends - Bug #24248: Authentication protocol normalized to lowercase in 8.1 Actions Authentication backends - Bug #24325: Fix initialization of spring beans in auth-backends Actions Authentication backends - Bug #24394: Autoprovisioned users don't have access to any nodes Actions Authentication backends - Bug #25221: Typo for parameter enableProvisioning in documentation Actions Authentication backends - Bug #25280: Clarify that we do not support authorizations in OIDC authentification role in documentation Actions Authentication backends - Bug #25827: cannot use roles from SSO containing = or , Actions Authentication backends - Bug #26063: When we use LDAP authentication backend, the error is confusing if the user doesn't exist in Rudder Actions Authentication backends - Enhancement #24393: Add an OIDC attribute mapping for seting tenants from IdP Actions Branding - Bug #24225: Fix UI issues caused by bootstrap update in branding plugin Actions Branding - Bug #24816: Unchecking "display custom banner" remove OIDC SSO link Actions Branding - Bug #25737: Login form for OIDC can disappear depending on branding configuration Actions Change validation - Bug #24185: Group repository in tests should get by ids Actions Change validation - Bug #24213: Fix UI issues caused by bootstrap update in change-validation plugin Actions Change validation - Bug #24545: Remove duplicated files Actions Change validation - Bug #24685: Change validation group settings has broken UI Actions Change validation - Bug #24714: /var/rudder/plugin-resources/change-validation is not created anymore on plugin startup Actions Change validation - Bug #24790: Already defined json encoders break plugin build Actions Change validation - Bug #25160: Missing values for VariableSpec in test Actions Change validation - Bug #25397: Added test groups make change-validation tests fail Actions Change validation - Bug #25739: Change validation setting have broken tooltips, miss some words and have CSS inconsistency Actions CIS - Bug #24135: Server or Workstation only items are included when they should not Actions CIS - Bug #24186: Use the new 8.1 policy mode per method feature to merge the cis_xxx_audit_yyy and xis_xxx_enforce_yyy techniques together Actions CIS - Bug #24376: Script to check if module is disabled is_kernel_module_disabled.sh fails if module needs 2 .ko Actions CIS - Bug #24514: Importing CIS techniques fails on Rudder 8.1 beta 2 server Actions CIS - Bug #24570: Rework some parts of the kcl implementation Actions CIS - Bug #24823: Start section 5 for rhel9 benchmark Actions CIS - Bug #25013: Fix some typos Actions CIS - Bug #25104: Fix the shell tests Actions CIS - Bug #25106: Fix the cis-shell tests Actions CIS - Bug #25114: mov rhel9 section 5.1 to 2.4 Actions CIS - Bug #25192: missing import in cis rhel9 Actions CIS - Bug #25232: typo in definition of autofs use or not Actions CIS - Bug #25243: since build change, resources are 0 bytes Actions CIS - Bug #25245: blacklist detection on ubuntu20 is failing Actions CIS - Bug #25248: rudderc is generating 0 bytes resources Actions CIS - Bug #25250: Missing audit part for chrony running as user _chrony for Ubuntu 20 Actions CIS - Bug #25263: create section 1.1.1 for rhel9 Actions CIS - Bug #25264: fix blacklisting of module Actions CIS - Bug #25267: Fix tests around module disactivation Actions CIS - Bug #25268: Several resource files do not pass the shell check tests Actions CIS - Bug #25270: Check if module is disabled or blacklist doesn't pass the linttest Actions CIS - Bug #25274: Section 1.2.1 Configure Package Repositories RHEL9 Actions CIS - Bug #25316: exclude typo check from cis/ncf Actions CIS - Bug #25320: Section 1.4 - Configure Bootloader - RHEL9 Actions CIS - Bug #25321: complete sectoin 6.1 Actions CIS - Bug #25328: Empty section 1.5.5 for Ubuntu20 Actions CIS - Bug #25331: Wrong value for cis_ubuntu20_item for 3.1 section Actions CIS - Bug #25357: Fix Ubuntu 20 section 6.1 opasswd* path and existence test Actions CIS - Bug #25381: CIS RHEL 9 Section 6.1 Actions CIS - Bug #25486: Automatically generate propeerties when building techniques Actions CIS - Bug #25493: inconsistency between unimplemented items and manual items Actions CIS - Bug #25531: Typo missing space betwenn wo path in section 2.3.2 Actions CIS - Bug #25535: CIS : Checking mount options on non-existing mountpoints Actions CIS - Bug #25556: CIS rhel9 section 1.8 Actions CIS - Bug #25567: CIS RHEL9: the tag _extra_tags = {enforce_supported = False} doesn't do anything Actions CIS - Bug #25581: Create structure for new Debian 11 and 12 benchmarks Actions CIS - Bug #25622: same as parent ticket for branch 8.1 Actions CIS - Bug #25625: Missing ressource script for for rhel9, and missing reports based on eager $( ) evaluation by the agent Actions CIS - Bug #25626: Missing parameters for section 5.4 Actions CIS - Bug #25634: Task permissions.k not working on Debian 11 and Red Hat 9 Actions CIS - Bug #25728: CIS Ubuntu 20 section 1.1 : Fix audit only items definition Actions CIS - Bug #25729: fix audit method in ubuntu20 benchmark Actions CIS - Bug #25765: CIS Debian 11 section 1.6 Actions CIS - Bug #25789: CIS Ubuntu 20 - Section 1.8 Fixes Actions CIS - Bug #25793: CIS Debian 11 fix for unique parameter UUIDS Actions CIS - Bug #25797: Section 7.2 on Debian 11 is broken Actions CIS - Bug #25812: CIS Redhat 9 - Section 6.2.4 Fixes Actions CIS - Bug #25816: Debian 11 - Section 1.3: method audit_from_command reports error in enforce Actions CIS - Bug #25817: Debian 11 - Section 2.3: Control points not in order Actions CIS - Bug #25819: CIS Debian 11 - Section 3.3 : Typo error Actions CIS - Bug #25838: CIS Debian 11 - Section 5.1 : Typo error Actions CIS - Bug #25839: CIS Debian 11 section 2.4.2 : Presence of “at” package not detected Actions CIS - Bug #25840: CIS Ubuntu20 section 1.5 uses deprecated and unreliable "package_check_installed" method Actions CIS - Bug #25854: CIS Debian11 section 1.7 : Checks should be performed only when GDM is installed Actions CIS - Bug #25855: CIS Debian11 section 1.7.10 : Resource script exit code incorrect Actions CIS - Bug #25857: CIS Debian11 section 1.7 : Resource scripts called are not executable Actions CIS - Bug #25862: Init Debian12 content Actions CIS - Bug #25863: Typo in name format of the propety for CIS in documentation Actions CIS - Bug #25864: CIS Debian11 section 6.1 enforce : systemd daemon not reloaded when it should Actions CIS - Bug #25901: CIS Debian 12 Section 2.2 Actions CIS - Bug #25965: CIS Debian 11 - Section 1.7 : error in workstation / server level Actions CIS - Bug #25972: CIS Debian 12 - Section 1.1 : Discordance on levels Actions CIS - Bug #25981: CIS Debian 12 - Section 1.4 : Useless line on 1.4.2 Actions CIS - Bug #25993: fix unitary tests of ubuntu20 Actions CIS - Bug #26013: Debian 12 - Section 2.1 : fixes of multiple control points Actions CIS - Bug #26019: Remove NCF tests from CIS tests Actions CIS - Bug #26020: CIS Debian 12 - Section 2.3 : fixes control points with conditions Actions CIS - Bug #26032: CIS : workstation level 0 still executes control point Actions CIS - Bug #26037: CIS - Automatic tests : fixes Actions CIS - Bug #26043: typo in 2.3 control in rhel9 Actions CIS - Bug #26051: Fix test for CIS Ubuntu 20 section 1_2_1 Actions CIS - Bug #26124: CIS : fix of separator for mail transfer agent Actions CIS - Bug #26127: CIS Debian 12 - Section 5.1 : Fix Actions CIS - Bug #26239: CIS Debian 12 - Point : lack of service restart Actions CIS - Bug #26241: CIS : escapement backslash induces errors in commands Actions CIS - Bug #26246: CIS Debian 11 - Section 2.1 : Fixes Actions CIS - User story #25234: Section 2.1 RHEL9 Actions CIS - User story #25240: Section 2.2 RHEL9 Actions CIS - User story #25241: Section 2.3 RHEL9 Actions CIS - User story #25273: Section 1.1.2 Configure Filesystem Partitions RHEL9 Actions CIS - User story #25281: Section 1.3 Mandatory Access Control RHEL9 Actions CIS - User story #25329: Section 1.5 for RHEL9 Actions CIS - User story #25330: Section 3 RHEL9 Actions CIS - User story #25743: Section 3 Debian 11 Actions CIS - User story #25811: Section 4.3 Debian 11 Actions CIS - Architecture #24612: Add shell tests to CIS Actions CIS - Architecture #25089: Add a make depends to plugin makefile Actions CIS - Architecture #25906: CIS Debian 12 Section Actions CIS - Enhancement #25112: Implement RHEL 9 CIS 6.1.1 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25235: CIS rhel9 section 6.3 (partial) Actions CIS - Enhancement #25260: CIS rhel9 section 6.3 (Part2) Actions CIS - Enhancement #25337: Add rhel9 ch 4 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25356: CIS Section 7.1 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25358: Add rhel9 ch 5.1 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25359: CIS RHEL 9 Section 7.2 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25362: CIS RHEL 9 Section 6.2 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25363: Add rhel9 ch 5.2 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25411: CIS rhel9 section 53 and 5.4 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25415: CIS RHEL 9 Section 3 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25416: Add rhel9 ch 1.6 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25435: CIS RHEL 9 Section 1.7 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25620: CIS Debian 11 - Section 2.1 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25621: CIS Debian 11 - Section 2.2 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25631: CIS Debian 11 - Section 2.4 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25641: CIS Debian 11 - Section 1.4 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25644: CIS Debian 11 - Section 1.5 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25657: CIS Debian 11 - Section 7.1 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25665: CIS Debian 11 - Section 7.2 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25716: CIS Debian 11 section 1.1 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25719: CIS Debian 11 section 1.3 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25722: CIS Debian 11 section 5.1 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25744: CIS Debian 11 - Section 6.1 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25752: CIS Debian 11 - Section 6.2 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25760: CIS Debian 11 section 5.2 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25766: CIS Debian 11 section 2.3 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25768: CIS Debian 11 - Section 1.2 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25772: CIS Debian 11 section 5.3 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25774: CIS Debian 11 - Section 1.7 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25787: CIS Debian 11 - Section 5.4 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25794: CIS Debian 11 section 4.1 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25796: CIS Debian 11 section 4.2 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25878: CIS Debian 12 Section 1.1.1 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25879: CIS Debian 12 Section 2.3 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25880: CIS Debian 12 Section 5.3 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25916: CIS Debian 12 Section 2.4 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25947: CIS Debian 12 - Section 4 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25952: CIS Debian 12 - Section 6 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25963: CIS Debian 12 - Section 1.5 Actions CIS - Enhancement #25964: CIS Debian 12 - Section 1.7 Actions Datasources - Bug #24221: Fix UI issues caused by bootstrap update in datasources plugin Actions Datasources - Bug #24625: Datasource with spaces in name cannot be updated Actions Datasources - Bug #24996: UpdateHttpDatasetTest datasource test get blocked forever Actions Datasources - Bug #25031: Update jfmengels/elm-review lib in datasources Actions Datasources - Bug #25047: Datasources npm config is not symlinked to plugins-common Actions Datasources - Bug #26172: in datasources, ids are not normalized, thus creating problems at deletion Actions Datasources - Bug #26181: Datasource form validation errors do not prevent saving it Actions Node external reports - Bug #24630: External reports tab is not aligned in nodes page and content is always displayed Actions OpenSCAP - Bug #24495: Missing tab since css has changed Actions OpenSCAP - Bug #25075: OpenSCAP plugin output displays on *all* node tabs Actions OpenSCAP - Bug #25105: openscap tab should show up when the rapport is there Actions OpenSCAP - Bug #25193: OpenSCAP test fails when there is a '@' '%40' in path Actions OpenSCAP - Bug #26033: Openscap report cannot open in iframe since CSRF headers Actions OpenSCAP - Bug #26066: OpenSCAP needs queryContext and has build issues from stale properties file Actions OpenSCAP - Enhancement #24858: add the debian ssg in the openscap plugin Actions Scale-out relay - Bug #24417: Promote a node to relay command failed with parsing message error Actions Scale-out relay - Bug #25831: Broken Token in commands Actions Scale-out relay - Bug #25968: Add a tip message after promote a node to relay to trigger agent run Actions Scale-out relay - Bug #25987: API call to trigger agent run on the relay when promoting a node Actions User management - Bug #24217: Backport user management roles and permissions UI separation in 8.1 Actions User management - Bug #24220: User session database information about tenants should not break in 8.1 Actions User management - Bug #24434: Fix UI issues caused by bootstrap update in user-management and auth-backends plugin Actions User management - Bug #24438: Fix user-management build failure when requiring schema.sql file Actions User management - Bug #24461: Missleading placeholder for empty field value Actions User management - Bug #24690: Editing user roles overrides tenants in rudder-users.xml file Actions User management - Bug #24706: User card should display user name and disabled status Actions User management - Bug #24791: Change in rudder user details break plugin compilation Actions User management - Bug #25313: Reload users file when user is disabled or activated in plugin Actions User management - Bug #25343: Setting existing users with case sensitivity in user management tests Actions User management - Bug #25447: Admin user should have notification that their session is kept until timeout Actions User management - Bug #25454: A users should not be able to disable themselve in user management Actions User management - Bug #25464: A user should not be able to delete themselves in user management Actions User management - Bug #25472: Impact of session invalidation in user-management test on userrepository Actions User management - Bug #25482: User cleanup configuration impact on user-management Actions User management - Architecture #24114: Migrate user-management API to zio-json Actions User management - Enhancement #25484: Normalize authentication logs in plugins Actions Vault - Bug #25304: vault plugin does not work with cubbyhole engine Actions Zabbix - Architecture #19206: Missing cron task for application of monitoring templates Actions
8.2 open Maintained: Yes 50% 14 issues (7 closed — 7 open) Related issues Bug #25424: Update typo-cli version Actions Bug #26175: “rudder package upgrade” alone does not upgrade any plugin Actions Bug #26279: Some plugins don't use the correct notification system Actions Architecture #25378: Update to jetty 11 spring 6 on plugins Actions Architecture #25379: Update to jetty 11 spring 6 on private plugins Actions Architecture #25392: Typo in pom-template Actions API authorizations - Bug #25666: Delete token and create token button are not usable Actions Change validation - Bug #25660: Remove use of the clipboardjs library Actions Change validation - Bug #25741: Change requests bar is no longer clickable Actions CIS - Bug #25568: CIS RHEL 1.6.3 audit not working Actions Datasources - Bug #25432: Sporadic errors on UpdateHttpDatasetTest for 404 behavior Actions Datasources - Bug #25497: Datasources tests are failling due to race condition Actions Datasources - Bug #26182: Datasources tests fail in 8.2 since restextractorservice deletion Actions OpenSCAP - Bug #26065: OpenSCAP report needs to be rendered without iframe with sanitized html Actions
8.3 open Maintained: Yes 0% 4 issues (0 closed — 4 open) Related issues Bug #26195: Maven shade plugin update and ignore signatures Actions Bug #26199: Janino dependency was not provided to plugins causing plugin load issue Actions Authentication backends - Bug #26291: Add OAuth2 Opaque Accesss Bearer token with client_credentials flow for Rudder API authentication Actions Authentication backends - User story #26168: Add OAuth2 JWT Bearer token with client_credentials flow for Rudder API authentication Actions
Ideas open Maintained: Yes 4% 25 issues (1 closed — 24 open) Related issues Bug #17727: Display a message for read_only user who try to accesses plugins page Actions Enhancement #23266: Make plugin license expiration threshold configurable Actions Authentication backends - User story #9786: LDAP Group based Authorization Actions Authentication backends - User story #18464: Kerberos/SPNEGO/GSSAPI Actions Authentication backends - Enhancement #21975: Provide config file samples in rudder-web.properties.d Actions Branding - User story #14366: When license is missing, there is nothing to signal it Actions CIS - User story #16379: Add a tool to check for duplicates Actions Datasources - User story #9284: External Info Plugin framework Actions Datasources - User story #9879: Update datasource status when a data source data are updated Actions Datasources - User story #10238: Reorganize data sources interface Actions Datasources - User story #10352: Client Certificate authentication + session for data source plugin Actions Datasources - User story #17825: We should delete property if json path is not found Actions GLPI - User story #13899: Allow to filter packages loaded into GLPi Actions Node external reports - User story #16049: The plugin should be able to handle multiple config files Actions Node external reports - User story #16964: Allow to use data from different folders for node external reports Actions Notifications - User story #14265: Use pytlon lib "apprise" Actions Notifications - Architecture #13288: Make rudder-notifyd a systemd service Actions User management - User story #13680: Automated provisioning account Actions User management - User story #16664: Confirmation request before deletion Actions User management - User story #16665: Show roles nesting Actions User management - User story #16794: Be able to set Role at user creation Actions User management - User story #16828: Changes in the user management does not generate event logs Actions User management - Enhancement #20686: Don't allow creation of user if an invalid user of same name exists Actions User management - Enhancement #21933: See detailed rights for earch roles Actions Vault - User story #14910: Vault generic method should get a single secret Actions
master open Maintained: Yes 92% 42 issues (39 closed — 3 open) Related issues Bug #22080: Update maven dependencies Actions Bug #23762: Update rudder-plugins dependencies Actions Bug #23928: Fix UI problems following the Bootstrap 5 upgrade Actions Bug #23993: Impact of parent change on user for private plugins Actions Bug #25006: Plugins don't build since gulpfile update Actions Bug #25132: Remove AIX plugin Actions Bug #25769: Update scala plugin dependencies Actions Bug #25784: Remove NodeInfo service - private plugins Actions Bug #26097: Reporting and CVE don't compile in master Actions User story #26095: Change main menu (public plugins) Actions User story #26096: Change main menu (private plugins) Actions Architecture #23752: Implication of CoreNodeFactRepository to plugins Actions Architecture #23753: Implication of CoreNodeFactRepository to plugins-private Actions Architecture #23760: Migrate branding, openscap, scale-out-relay to zio-json Actions Architecture #23805: Migrate datasource plugin to zio-json Actions Architecture #23829: Update rudder-plugins front-end dependencies Actions Architecture #23830: Migrate users and supervised target APIs in change-validation to zio-json Actions Architecture #23831: Migrate change request API in change-validation to zio-json Actions Architecture #23859: Impact of API change for tenants on private plugins Actions Architecture #23991: Missing some CurrentUser changes Actions Architecture #23994: Some more missing change for user Actions Architecture #24771: Update scala plugin dependencies Actions Architecture #24852: Update js dependencies Actions Architecture #24906: Impact on plugin for policyType and yaml rest test Actions Architecture #24972: Implement custom header CSRF mitigation in plugins Actions Architecture #24973: Implement custom header CSRF mitigation in plugins-private Actions Architecture #25023: Fix update dependencies for datasources and change-validation Actions Architecture #25783: Remove NodeInfoService impact - public plugins Actions Architecture #25874: Remove NodeInfoService impact on auth-backends Actions Architecture #25891: Remove the api-client dependency from OpenSCAP plugin Actions Architecture #25961: Impact of removing rest extractor lift-json methods on plugins Actions Architecture #26048: Update front-end dependencies Actions Architecture #26050: Update elm dependencies Actions API authorizations - Bug #24849: Fix servlet api dependency in api-authorizations Actions Authentication backends - Bug #23768: Remove Password authentication for OAuth2 Actions Branding - Bug #23858: Error in test (typo) Actions Change validation - Bug #24850: Fix compilation with user-management rewrite Actions Change validation - Bug #26094: Impact of JsDataLine in change validation Actions CIS - Architecture #22757: Make explicit that the plugin is discountinued since 7.0 Actions Datasources - Bug #25085: Datasources tests fail on 404 Actions Scale-out relay - Bug #25134: Fix scale-out-relay build since change of API in webapp Actions User management - Bug #24800: Remove user-management plugin Actions