Bug #11303
closedrudder service and thus cf-execd is never restarted / ensure running
In 4.1, we removed the check that cf-execd was running at least/at most a number of time because it used to cause problems with containers.
But we now don't check anymore that the rudder service is running at all, so it means that if cf-execd is stopped (for example, because the rudder service is not started at boot), it is never restarted.
Rudder agent will still run because of /etc/cron.d/rudder-agent, but rudder agent health will report problems (no outputs stored in CFEngine output directory), and probes checking for cf-execd status will be in error.
Finally, we need to check that rudder (and not cf-execd) service is running to well behave with systemd.
A workaround can be to create a technique "ensure service running" for rudder service and deploy it everywhere.