Bug #11715
When "policy-server.dat" is missing, generated inventory is not legit
Added by Nicolas CHARLES over 7 years ago.
Updated about 6 years ago.
Minor - inconvenience | misleading | easy workaround
User visibility:
Operational - other Techniques | Technique editor | Rudder settings
Effort required:
Very Small
When we install the rudder-agent, it can assume that the defaut Rudder server is named "rudder" - when policy-server.dat is non existant, techniques fallback to "rudder"
However, the generated inventory is incomplete: if policy-server.dat file is not there, then the section RUDDER/AGENT is not created on the inventory, so generated inventory is invalid
We should decide which behaviour is the right one, and be consistent
It may or may not be related to https://www.rudder-project.org/redmine/issues/11593
- Subject changed from Inconsistent behaviour between Techniques et Inventory to Inconsistent behaviour between Techniques and Inventory
- User visibility set to Operational - other Techniques | Technique editor | Rudder settings
- Priority changed from 0 to 32
- Target version changed from 4.1.9 to 4.1.10
- Target version changed from 4.1.10 to 4.1.11
- Priority changed from 32 to 31
- Target version changed from 4.1.11 to 4.1.12
- Priority changed from 31 to 30
- Target version changed from 4.1.12 to 4.1.13
- Target version changed from 4.1.13 to 411
- Target version changed from 411 to 4.1.13
- Target version changed from 4.1.13 to 4.1.14
- Priority changed from 30 to 29
- Target version changed from 4.1.14 to 4.1.15
- Target version changed from 4.1.15 to 4.1.16
- Priority changed from 29 to 27
- Target version changed from 4.1.16 to 4.1.17
- Subject changed from Inconsistent behaviour between Techniques and Inventory to When "policy-server.dat" is missing, generated inventory is not legit
- Effort required set to Very Small
- Priority changed from 27 to 51
We should just create the file when it's missing (with the default we want) and inventory will use it.
- Status changed from New to In progress
- Assignee set to Benoît PECCATTE
- Priority changed from 51 to 0
- Status changed from In progress to Pending technical review
- Assignee changed from Benoît PECCATTE to Alexis Mousset
- Pull Request set to https://github.com/Normation/rudder-packages/pull/1716
- Assignee changed from Alexis Mousset to Benoît PECCATTE
- Status changed from Pending technical review to Pending release
- Status changed from Pending release to Released
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