Bug #22371
closedmissing report in change only
In change only, some directives make missing reports, which don't make any sense
It may be a duplicate to #22375
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES about 2 years ago
- Severity set to Major - prevents use of part of Rudder | no simple workaround
- UX impact set to I dislike using that feature
- User visibility set to Operational - other Techniques | Rudder settings | Plugins
- Effort required set to Small
- Priority changed from 0 to 148
It seems it happens only for the 1st run after the policy generation, next runs seem correct (as seen on the wild)
Updated by François ARMAND about 2 years ago
- Related to Bug #22375: Nodes not answering are seen in "missing" rather than in "no reports" added
Updated by François ARMAND about 2 years ago
- Related to deleted (Bug #22375: Nodes not answering are seen in "missing" rather than in "no reports")
Updated by François ARMAND about 2 years ago
- Is duplicate of Bug #22375: Nodes not answering are seen in "missing" rather than in "no reports" added
Updated by François ARMAND about 2 years ago
- Status changed from Rejected to New
So actually, it's not a duplicate. We do have some techniques that make missing even if the runs are recent in change only.
Updated by François ARMAND about 2 years ago
- Is duplicate of deleted (Bug #22375: Nodes not answering are seen in "missing" rather than in "no reports")
Updated by François ARMAND about 2 years ago
It is not linked to a specific technique/directive but to the fact that:
- the directive sends several reports
- at least one is repaired and one is success
In that case, the success is interpreted as missing.
If everything is success, then the missing report are seen as success.
Test case: std lib technique "File and directory basics", check if a file exists and create it if not.
On first run, file is missing so we have one repaired for its creation, other in success => compliance is 75% in error.
On second run, everything is success => 100% OK
On node, delete file and run agent => compliance is 75% in error.
Updated by François ARMAND about 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to In progress
- Assignee set to François ARMAND
Updated by François ARMAND about 2 years ago
- Status changed from In progress to Pending technical review
- Assignee changed from François ARMAND to Nicolas CHARLES
- Pull Request set to https://github.com/Normation/rudder/pull/4675
Updated by Anonymous about 2 years ago
- Status changed from Pending technical review to Pending release
Applied in changeset rudder|490f06b670ce9ee699d2dbccc6b89e0a07bab6ef.
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 2 years ago
- Has duplicate Bug #15907: Changes-only does not behave as expected and lead to missing reports added
Updated by François ARMAND about 2 years ago
- File clipboard-202303221626-fg6ao.png clipboard-202303221626-fg6ao.png added
- Priority changed from 148 to 147
- Fix check changed from To do to Checked
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 2 years ago
- Status changed from Pending release to Released
This bug has been fixed in Rudder 7.2.5 which was released today.