User story #5795
closedMake Categories API accessible
Pull Request:
UX impact:
Suggestion strength:
User visibility:
Effort required:
Name check:
Fix check:
It's not possible to add a node group without knowing the ID of the category it should be assigned to.
But so far, you cannot query them.
The following hack shows how you currently would need a hardcoded uuid, found from metadata.xml
def get_group_cat(group):
cat_name = "CM Testumgebung"
cat_id = "9ab2f05c-8191-4da5-853f-8dcc19d2b5da"
return (cat_name, cat_id)
def create_group_obj(objname,arg_nodes):
if arg_nodes:
print "adding group with nodes"
nodeids = arg_nodes
nodeids = []
print "adding group"
- erstmal fix, spaeter ueber name!
cat_name, cat_id = get_group_cat(objname)
params = {
"nodeGroupCategory": cat_id,
"displayName" : objname,
"description" : "Group %s" % objname,
"dynamic" : 'false',
"nodeIds" : nodeids,
"reason" : "Automatically created in testing",
return params
When creating new objects, you should be able to
- add categories
- find the category ids to put the objects in the right place.
Jonathan uttered words like
- "LDAP"
- "considered"
- "internal"