Bug #10580
closedCannot mix audit/enforce mode on directives based on the same technique
I'm trying to do the following:
- Use the global audit mode
- Having a directive based on the technique "File download (Rudder server)", inherited from the global audit mode
- Having a second directive based on the same technique, but enforced
Issue occurs when trying to update directives, with the following error:
Inconsistant policy mode: both audit and enforce applied
When the 2 directives have the same audit/enforce mode, I do not have this issue.
Updated by François ARMAND almost 8 years ago
- Related to Architecture #10625: Don't merge directive from same technique on generation added
Updated by François ARMAND almost 8 years ago
Unfortunally, this is a limitation of the current implementation of directives. To make that works, we need to solve #10625 before. This is a known pain point, we are working on it by small bit :/
Updated by François ARMAND almost 8 years ago
- Severity set to Major - prevents use of part of Rudder | no simple workaround
- User visibility set to Operational - other Techniques | Technique editor | Rudder settings
- Effort required set to Very large
Updated by François ARMAND almost 8 years ago
- Related to Bug #2736: We can't apply Directives from different versions of the same Technique on a node added
Updated by Jonathan CLARKE almost 8 years ago
- Severity changed from Major - prevents use of part of Rudder | no simple workaround to Critical - prevents main use of Rudder | no workaround | data loss | security
- Priority changed from 0 to 30
Updated by François ARMAND almost 8 years ago
- Has duplicate Bug #10666: Creating a directive in audit mode generates an error added
Updated by François ARMAND almost 8 years ago
A "workaround" is to have different technique for Audit and Enforce.
For a technique built with the technique editor, it means "clone" it.
For a technique for the technique library, you will have to do the following step (with for example the "package management" technique):
cd /var/rudder/configuration-repository/techniques/applications/ cp -r packageManagement packageManagementAudit # here you can delete all versions but the last one with # $ rm -rf newTechniqueNameForAudit/1.0 newTechniqueNameForAudit/2.0 # but packageManagement has only one version, so no need for it. sed -ie "s/Package management/Package management For Audit/g" packageManagementAudit/1.0/metadata.xml git add packageManagementAudit/ git commit -m "Add a dedicated package management for audit" rudder server reload-techniques
And then, you can use the "Package management For Audit" for audit, and the "Package management" for enforce.
So the remaining question is how about "migrating" a directive from the audit to enforce technique, if you want to do so, whithout having to copy/paste all fields.
As the two techniques have exactly the same parameters, you will be able to do it with the API:
#you can find the directive id in the directive "technical details" part (hidden by default, under "technique version") # "jq" is a litte, powerful utility that allows to select part of a json document: http://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/ curl -k -H "X-API-Token: yourAPItoken" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET 'https://your-rudder/api/latest/directives/the-directive-id' | jq ".data.directives[0]" > mydirective.json # edit mydirective to: # - delete the 2nd line with the id: "id": "the-directive-id", # - change the line with "techniqueName" to use the id of the technique ID, which is the name of the directory used in the "cp -r" above # (in the example, from "packageManagementAudit" to "packageManagement") # - adapt displayName, shortDescription, longDescription if needed # then create the new directive: curl -k -H "X-API-Token: yourAPItoken" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT 'https://your-rudder/api/latest/directives' -d"@mydirective.json" # you should get an answer looking like: # {"action":"createDirective","result":"success",.... } # and if you want to update an already migrated directive from an updated source, you can use a similar procedure as above to retrieve # the source directive, but only keep the "parameters" part with a different jq filter (which is the only part you want to update on that example): curl -k -H "X-API-Token: yourAPItoken" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET 'http://your-rudder/rudder-web/api/latest/directives/8434c259-da5b-4b34-8e7d-1ae281c37acf' | jq '{"parameters": .data.directives[0].parameters}' > mydirective.json # and update the migrated directive, after you retrieved it's id with in the UI: curl -k -H "X-API-Token: yourAPItoken" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST 'http://your-rudder/api/latest/directives/migrated-directive-id' -d"@plop5.json" # response: # {"action":"updateDirective","id":"d3ff1811-e4e3-42e4-a3bb-c6aa5b1342d1","result":"success" ....
We do know that the process are cumbersome, tedious and error prone, and we are very sorry for that, but we wanted to allow users to at least have a workaround. The real solution is of course to correct the root problem described in the ticket.
Updated by Hamlyn Mootoo over 7 years ago
The text substitution indicated above (sed -ie "s/Package management/Package management For Audit/g" packageManagementAudit/1.0/metadata.xml) does not seem to have the intended effect of naming the package differently in the GUI. This sed statement does not find a match in matadata.xml.
Updated by François ARMAND over 7 years ago
Oh sorry, it may depends of the technique library version. The most robust way to do it it to change the <displayName> content to match your wishes.
Updated by Hamlyn Mootoo over 7 years ago
I tried actually duplicating techniques as you suggested, but I get errors. For example, using the file content technique, I duplicated it and got:
Policy update error for process '188' at 2017-06-26 17:05:12
⇨ Cannot write configuration node
⇨ Exit code=1 for hook: '/opt/rudder/etc/hooks.d/policy-generation-node-ready/10-cf-promise-check'.
stderr: '/var/rudder/share/34d86720-f7ed-44e5-8249-a4749eb74e02/rules.new/cfengine-community/checkGenericFileContentAudit/7.0/checkGenericFileContent.cf:23:0: error: Duplicate definition of bundle check_generic_file_content with type agent
/var/rudder/share/34d86720-f7ed-44e5-8249-a4749eb74e02/rules.new/cfengine-community/checkGenericFileContentAudit/7.0/checkGenericFileContent.cf:360:0: error: Duplicate definition of bundle check_generic_file_content_edition with type edit_line
/var/rudder/share/34d86720-f7ed-44e5-8249-a4749eb74e02/rules.new/cfengine-community/checkGenericFileContentAudit/7.0/checkGenericFileContent.cf:451:0: error: Duplicate definition of bundle check_generic_file_content_edition_in_zone with type edit_line
/var/rudder/share/34d86720-f7ed-44e5-8249-a4749eb74e02/rules.new/cfengine-community/checkGenericFileContent/7.0/checkGenericFileContent.cf:23:0: error: Duplicate definition of bundle check_generic_file_content with type agent
/var/rudder/share/34d86720-f7ed-44e5-8249-a4749eb74e02/rules.new/cfengine-community/checkGenericFileContent/7.0/checkGenericFileContent.cf:343:0: error: Duplicate definition of bundle check_generic_file_content_edition with type edit_line
/var/rudder/share/34d86720-f7ed-44e5-8249-a4749eb74e02/rules.new/cfengine-community/checkGenericFileContent/7.0/checkGenericFileContent.cf:434:0: error: Duplicate definition of bundle check_generic_file_content_edition_in_zone with type edit_line
Updated by Benoît PECCATTE over 7 years ago
- Category set to Web - Config management
Updated by Hamlyn Mootoo over 7 years ago
I believe this was actually working okay with 4.1.3 (making a copy of the technique as described above). When I upgraded to 4.1.5, I believe it broke.
Updated by Hamlyn Mootoo over 7 years ago
After some more testing I determined that if I remove the Audit version of the technique from git, commit it, delete the Audit version from the directory, re-copy from the original, and re-commit in git, and reload the techniques, then it starts working again. Is there an easier way?
Updated by Hamlyn Mootoo over 7 years ago
After more extensive testing, it seems that even what I mentioned above does not work reliably.
Updated by Nicolas CHARLES over 7 years ago
Hi Hamlyn,
simply duplicating the technique would not be enough, you'd need to:- change names of all bundle common, bundle agent, bundle edit_line and body * in the duplicated technique
- edit the metadata.xml to replace the name in BUNDLES/NAME by the replacement made in previous point
Updated by Alexis Mousset over 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
- Priority changed from 27 to 25
Since 4.3 it is possible with most techniques in latest version. See #11851 to track this migration, closing this ticket as duplicate.
Updated by Alexis Mousset over 6 years ago
- Is duplicate of User story #11851: Port techniques to multi-versionned format added