Bug #10751
closedAdd a warn message when agent run is incomplete
Pull Request:
Minor - inconvenience | misleading | easy workaround
UX impact:
User visibility:
Infrequent - complex configurations | third party integrations
Effort required:
Name check:
Fix check:
I'm not sure if this is the same error as anywhere else, but just to be safe:
If I get a specific bundle, I get most confusing output.
root@rudder:/var/rudder/configuration-repository/techniques/system# rudder agent run -b sendInventoryToCmdb Rudder agent 4.1.1-jessie0 (CFEngine Core 3.10.0) Node uuid: root Start execution with config [20170517-121308-dc93beed] M| State Technique Component Key Message E| compliant DistributePolicy Send inventories to CMDB Incoming inventories were successfully added to Rudder error Rudder agent was interrupted during execution by a fatal error Run with -i to see log messages. ## Summary ##################################################################### 1 components verified in 2 directives => 1 components in Enforce mode -> 1 compliant execution time: 4.35s ################################################################################@
as far as I can tell:
- summary is correct
- message: starts with "E" - which is likely wrong
- if it were an "E" it should not be green, right?
- Message text says everything is fine
- And then there's a generic error that calls for doing -i
So, it's 4-way contradictive, and I suspect it's also unique 4 errors behind this.
It's misleading and there is no workaround, expect not trusting rudder's output.