Bug #12752
closedDatasources plugin scheduler problems after updating/deleting a datasource
plugin version : rudder-plugin-datasources-4.3-1.3-SNAPSHOT.rpkg
When updating some parameters in a datasource (for exemple jsonpath, update trigger, ...), the execution of this datasource is twice or more. It's hard to reproduce, but if you change settings multiple times the problem occure.
I notice that it happen when both "update periodically" and "update when a policy update start" trigger are configured.
Restarting jetty doesn't solve the problem if the datasource is still present.
You can see logs in attachement for more details.
Notice : At this time the datasource was delete but still in execution.
[2018-06-06 16:38:02] DEBUG datasources - Stopping data source with id 'cmdb-debug'
[2018-06-06 16:38:02] TRACE datasources - The datasource with id 'cmdb-debug' is disabled. Not scheduling future runs for it.
[2018-06-06 16:38:02] DEBUG datasources - Data source 'cmdb-debug' (cmdb-debug) udpated
[2018-06-06 16:38:10] DEBUG datasources - Stopping data source with id 'cmdb-debug'
Restarting jetty after deleting the datasource stop this execution.
We already have similar problem when deleting a datasource here https://www.rudder-project.org/redmine//issues/10677
Thank you