Bug #8593
closedUserManagement need to have hashed password for both Linux and AIX
In #4785, we added the old school Unix 56bit DES "crypt" hash for AIX.
But the is too limited, because 1/ AIX support its own version of SHA-* hashed password, which should really be used by now, and 2/ we want to be able to transparently defined user on both AIX and Linux plateform in one directive, and have Rudder do the hard work of knowing what the plateform need.
For 1/ we need to conform to method described in http://superuser.com/questions/906771/can-i-manually-replace-password-hashes-in-the-aix-etc-security-passwd-file and format described in http://www.ibmsystemsmag.com/aix/administrator/security/password_hash/?page=2
For 2/ we need to generate two hash variables for each user, one with Aix format, the other with Linux shadow format.