User story #8629
closedAllows generation-time javascript eval in directive parameters
Some times, we want to make little transformation in user input before using it.
Typically, we want to use the node hostname, but actually just the hostname (not the full FQDN), and capitalize.
Or we want to take only the first char group of node UUID.
Or we want to hash some text in sha512 to sign something, and the text must containt the node ip.
Or whatever.
Today, these use case can only be done with a script on the node and a CFEngine variable definition. Not only these is cumbersome, sometimes it is NOT what we want. In particular in the case of the hash, we don't want to give admin of the node (or other people having read access to that information) hint about how the hash is built.
So, the goal is to provide a generic scripting langage (a subset of a well know one - js) to allows text manipulation, and have the eval done when we have node contextual information (id, properties, etc) available.
Of course, we must be careful about performance, error reporting, syntaxe.
Finally, we propose to put the feature available in 3.1 BEHIND a feature switch, so that people can try the feature in current long term supported version, but so that nothing change by default for other.