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# Project Tracker Parent task Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Category Target version
20457 Rudder User story New N/A Add group properties to system groups Benoît PECCATTE Web - Nodes & inventories Actions
20455 Rudder User story New N/A Declare agent compatibility in the technique editor Benoît PECCATTE Web - Technique editor Actions
20452 Rudder User story New N/A No upload button in resource popup Benoît PECCATTE Raphael GAUTHIER Web - UI & UX Actions
20451 Rudder Bug New N/A sshKeyDistribution report fails with authorized_keys symbolic link Nicolas Ecarnot System techniques Actions
20443 Rudder Architecture New N/A Make rudderc available in webapp test env Alexis Mousset Alexis Mousset CI Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
20441 Rudder Architecture New N/A Improve relayd test suite Alexis Mousset Relay server or API Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
20431 Rudder Enhancement New N/A Automatically restart cf-serverd when listen interface configuration changes Alexis Mousset Agent Actions
20419 Rudder tools User story New N/A Make the modification of values idempotent Julien BRIAULT Ansible collection Rudder tools - master Actions
20413 Rudder tools User story New N/A Refactor and add windows agent support Julien BRIAULT Ansible collection Rudder tools - master Actions
20409 Rudder Bug New N/A Flush SSH file component [Unexpected] The user xxx does not have a defined home dir Youssef AI Techniques Actions
20405 Rudder tools Bug Bug #19975 Pending technical review N/A Add simple test to verify that the version is correctly passed by the server role Félix DALLIDET Alexis Mousset Ansible collection Rudder tools - master Actions
20393 Rudder User story New N/A Proxy configuration could be integrated to the installation wizard Félix DALLIDET Web - UI & UX Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
20391 Rudder Architecture New N/A Add config for using Docker as environment development for relayd Alexis Mousset Alexis Mousset Relay server or API Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
20387 Rudder Bug New N/A rudder-templates-cli.jar adds .cf to non policy files Alexis Mousset System techniques Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
20378 Rudder tools Bug Bug #20334 In progress N/A Malformed module documentation Félix DALLIDET Félix DALLIDET Ansible collection Rudder tools - master Actions
20377 Rudder tools Bug Pending release N/A AWS inventory hook fails to retrieve instance data when using HVM virtualization Félix DALLIDET Alexis Mousset Scripts Rudder tools - master Actions
20372 Rudder Bug New N/A there is no validation on the variable name in generic method variable_from_smth Nicolas CHARLES Alexis Mousset Generic methods Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
20366 Rudder Bug New N/A get rules/tree and get groups/tree are very slow Nicolas CHARLES Performance and scalability Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
20334 Rudder tools Bug Pending release N/A Ansible documentation refactoring Julien BRIAULT Julien BRIAULT Ansible collection Rudder tools - master Actions
20328 Rudder Architecture Pending technical review N/A Build the docs in docker Alexis Mousset Félix DALLIDET CI Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
20305 Rudder tools Bug Bug #19975 Pending release N/A Fix typo Félix DALLIDET Alexis Mousset Ansible collection Rudder tools - master Actions
20296 Rudder tools Bug Bug #20260 Pending release N/A Clean up the collection Félix DALLIDET Alexis Mousset Ansible collection Rudder tools - master Actions
20280 Rudder Architecture New N/A Read test database credentials from env vars Alexis Mousset Alexis Mousset Relay server or API Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
20260 Rudder tools Bug Bug #19975 Pending release N/A Fix minor things from parent ticket Félix DALLIDET Alexis Mousset Ansible collection Rudder tools - master Actions
20228 Rudder User story User story #20227 Pending technical review N/A Document only ncf_const variables Félix DALLIDET Alexis Mousset Documentation Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
(926-950/1624) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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