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# Project Tracker Parent task Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Category Target version
26226 Rudder Bug Bug #26225 Pending release N/A Broken build on debian Alexis Mousset Vincent MEMBRÉ Packaging Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26225 Rudder Bug Bug #26224 Pending release N/A Broken build on rhel7 Alexis Mousset Vincent MEMBRÉ Packaging Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26224 Rudder Bug Bug #26220 Pending release N/A Broken build on rhel7 Alexis Mousset Alexis Mousset Packaging Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26223 Rudder Enhancement New N/A Reorder node section in about page Vincent MEMBRÉ Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26222 Rudder Enhancement New N/A Hide launch options in about page Vincent MEMBRÉ Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26221 Rudder Bug New N/A Plugin page has an error when there is no license Vincent MEMBRÉ Web - UI & UX Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26220 Rudder Bug Bug #26219 Pending release N/A Disable on rhel7 & sles12 for now Alexis Mousset Vincent MEMBRÉ Packaging Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26219 Rudder Bug Bug #26218 Pending release N/A Build fails on SLES Alexis Mousset Vincent MEMBRÉ Packaging Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26218 Rudder Bug Bug #26216 Pending release N/A Build fails on rhel Alexis Mousset Vincent MEMBRÉ Packaging Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26217 Rudder Architecture Architecture #26149 New N/A Rudder package requires_license value is always false Clark ANDRIANASOLO Packaging Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26216 Rudder Bug Bug #26214 Pending release N/A Build fails on SLES Alexis Mousset Vincent MEMBRÉ Packaging Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26215 Rudder Bug New N/A rudder package does not ignore already expired licences when looking for the next license expiration date Félix DALLIDET Félix DALLIDET Plugin manager cli Rudder - 8.1.12 Actions
26214 Rudder Bug Bug #26212 Pending release N/A Missing build dep on clang Alexis Mousset Vincent MEMBRÉ Packaging Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26213 Rudder Enhancement Pending technical review N/A Make it possible to edit the values of items in a foreach Raphael GAUTHIER Raphael GAUTHIER Web - UI & UX Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26212 Rudder Bug Bug #26211 Pending release N/A Missing build dep in parent for augeas Alexis Mousset Vincent MEMBRÉ Packaging Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26211 Rudder Bug Bug #26210 Pending release N/A Missing build dep in parent for augeas Alexis Mousset Vincent MEMBRÉ Packaging Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26210 Rudder Bug Bug #26209 Pending release N/A Pass the path to local augeas build to cargo Alexis Mousset Vincent MEMBRÉ Packaging Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26209 Rudder Bug Pending release N/A Broken agent build on RHEL8 Alexis Mousset Vincent MEMBRÉ Packaging Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26208 Rudder Bug New To review impossible to disable a campaign in update campaigns menu Robinson MAIGNE Actions
26207 Rudder User story User story #26144 In progress N/A Plugin management operations need confirmation popup and license error info Clark ANDRIANASOLO Clark ANDRIANASOLO Web - UI & UX Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26206 Rudder Bug New To review Directive will not be displayed when clicking on a technique then on directive in tree Clark ANDRIANASOLO Web - UI & UX Rudder - 8.1.12 Actions
26205 Rudder Bug Bug #26204 Pending release N/A wrong clang dependency name Vincent MEMBRÉ Félix DALLIDET Packaging Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26204 Rudder Bug Architecture #26183 Pending release N/A Missing lbclang-dev dependency to build augeas module Vincent MEMBRÉ François ARMAND Packaging Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26203 Rudder Architecture Architecture #26183 Pending release N/A libaugeas-dev is too old on old systems Félix DALLIDET Félix DALLIDET Module - augeas Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26202 Rudder Enhancement Pending technical review N/A Change the way tooltips are constructed to use CSS only Raphael GAUTHIER Raphael GAUTHIER Web - UI & UX Rudder - 8.2.5 Actions
(1-25/1667) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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