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# Project Tracker Parent task Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Category Target version
26108 Rudder Bug Pending release N/A Build error in 8.2 (upmerge?) François ARMAND Clark ANDRIANASOLO Architecture - Code maintenance Rudder - 8.2.4 Actions
26107 Rudder Bug Pending release N/A Spotless check fails on RudderConfig unmerged imports Clark ANDRIANASOLO François ARMAND Architecture - Code maintenance Rudder - 8.1.11 Actions
26106 Rudder Bug New To review Sometimes when we click on an element (technique or rule), the whole page reloads Nicolas CHARLES Web - UI & UX Rudder - 8.1.11 Actions
26105 Rudder Bug Pending technical review To review The statistics on the dashboard are hardly readable Nicolas CHARLES Nicolas CHARLES Web - UI & UX Rudder - 8.2.4 Actions
26101 Rudder tools Bug Bug #26099 Pending technical review N/A Still some python depdency error in rudder-robot Félix DALLIDET Alexis Mousset Rudder-robot Rudder tools - 8.2 Actions
26100 Rudder tools Bug Pending technical review N/A Do not trigger half integration pipeline to avoid showing false positive test runs Félix DALLIDET Alexis Mousset Rudder-robot Rudder tools - 8.2 Actions
26099 Rudder tools Bug Pending technical review N/A missing urllib3 dependency on rudder-robot Félix DALLIDET Alexis Mousset Rudder-robot Rudder tools - 8.2 Actions
26098 Rudder Bug Pending release 1 (highest) error when importing full archives Nicolas CHARLES Clark ANDRIANASOLO Web - Config management Rudder - 8.2.4 Actions
26097 Rudder plugins Bug Pending release N/A Reporting and CVE don't compile in master François ARMAND Clark ANDRIANASOLO Refactoring Rudder plugins - master Actions
26096 Rudder plugins User story In progress N/A Change main menu (private plugins) François ARMAND François ARMAND UI - UX Rudder plugins - master Actions
26095 Rudder plugins User story In progress N/A Change main menu (public plugins) François ARMAND François ARMAND UI - UX Rudder plugins - master Actions
26094 Change validation Bug Pending release N/A Impact of JsDataLine in change validation François ARMAND Clark ANDRIANASOLO Rudder plugins - master Actions
26092 Rudder tools Bug Pending technical review N/A Fix linting issue on rudder-robot Félix DALLIDET Alexis Mousset Rudder-robot Rudder tools - 8.2 Actions
26091 Rudder tools User story Pending technical review N/A Initialize the 8.3 branch for rudder-robot Félix DALLIDET Alexis Mousset Rudder-robot Rudder tools - master Actions
26090 Rudder Enhancement New 1 (highest) We should not be able to install package on wrong OS Elaad FURREEDAN Benoît PECCATTE Agent Rudder - 8.1.11 Actions
26089 Rudder Architecture Pending technical review N/A Implement augeas module Alexis Mousset Félix DALLIDET Module - augeas Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha1 Actions
26088 Rudder Bug Pending release 1 (highest) NPE in archive generation François ARMAND Clark ANDRIANASOLO Web - Compliance & node report Rudder - 8.1.11 Actions
26087 Rudder Architecture Architecture #26082 Pending release N/A Build fails on SLES Alexis Mousset Félix DALLIDET Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha1 Actions
26086 Rudder Architecture Pending release N/A Allow LGPL license in crates Alexis Mousset Vincent MEMBRÉ Packaging Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha1 Actions
26085 Rudder Bug Pending release N/A Vulnerability in idna Alexis Mousset Vincent MEMBRÉ Security Rudder - 8.1.11 Actions
26084 Rudder Architecture Pending release N/A Add nettle as a rudder-package dependency Alexis Mousset Félix DALLIDET Packaging Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha1 Actions
26083 Rudder Architecture In progress N/A Add a test on loading the generic methods library locally in the repo Alexis Mousset Alexis Mousset Generic methods Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha1 Actions
26082 Rudder Architecture Pending release N/A Use sequoia in rudder-package Alexis Mousset Félix DALLIDET Plugin manager cli Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha1 Actions
26081 Rudder Bug New N/A On every node page, a waiting wheel is turning for a long time before timeout Nicolas Ecarnot Rudder - 8.1.11 Actions
26080 Rudder Architecture Pending release N/A Use ncf from the rudder repo Alexis Mousset Félix DALLIDET Packaging Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha1 Actions
(1-25/1624) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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