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# Project Tracker Parent task Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Category Target version
26422 Rudder Architecture Architecture #26335 Pending technical review N/A Clean-up old API account François ARMAND Clark ANDRIANASOLO Architecture - Code maintenance Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26421 Rudder Architecture New N/A Update to Rust 1.85.0 and Rust 2024 edition Alexis Mousset Architecture - Code maintenance Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26418 Rudder Bug New To review Sharefile to node method doesn't work in audit mode Nicolas CHARLES Generic methods Rudder - 8.2.5 Actions
26417 Rudder Bug Pending technical review N/A Keep line breaks in reports Raphael GAUTHIER Alexis Mousset Web - UI & UX Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26416 Rudder Architecture New N/A JVM platform limit requires splitting services in RudderConfig Clark ANDRIANASOLO Architecture - Code maintenance Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26414 Rudder Bug Pending release N/A Cache is not shared anymode Benoît PECCATTE Alexis Mousset CI Rudder - 8.1.12 Actions
26413 Rudder Bug Architecture #26403 Pending release N/A Ignore policies lib tests with qa-tests --shell Clark ANDRIANASOLO Alexis Mousset CI Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26412 Datasources Bug Pending release N/A Fix dependencies in datasources for 8.1 Clark ANDRIANASOLO Alexis Mousset Rudder plugins - 8.1 Actions
26411 Rudder Enhancement Pending release N/A Publish step for CI runs the tests when they already have previously run Clark ANDRIANASOLO Clark ANDRIANASOLO CI Rudder - 8.1.12 Actions
26410 Rudder Bug Pending release N/A Typos in docs Alexis Mousset Félix DALLIDET Documentation Rudder - 8.2.5 Actions
26409 Rudder Bug Pending release N/A Fix typos in ruddder-packages Benoît PECCATTE Alexis Mousset Packaging Rudder - 8.1.12 Actions
26408 Rudder Bug Pending release N/A Fix more typos in system techniques Félix DALLIDET Alexis Mousset System techniques Rudder - 8.2.5 Actions
26407 Rudder Bug Pending release N/A Fix some typos in system techniques Félix DALLIDET Alexis Mousset System techniques Rudder - 8.1.12 Actions
26406 Rudder Bug Pending release N/A Test for hooks is failing in Docker CI Clark ANDRIANASOLO Alexis Mousset CI Rudder - 8.2.5 Actions
26404 Rudder Architecture Pending technical review N/A Properties cache is not updated when saving group or global parameters with changed properties Clark ANDRIANASOLO Clark ANDRIANASOLO Architecture - evolution Rudder - 8.2.5 Actions
26403 Rudder Architecture Pending release N/A Ignore policies tests scripts in shellcheck Clark ANDRIANASOLO Alexis Mousset Architecture - Test Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26401 Rudder Bug Bug #26373 Pending release N/A Fix typos in comments from parent ticket Clark ANDRIANASOLO Clark ANDRIANASOLO System techniques Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26399 Rudder Bug New To review Hooks documentation link redirects to non-existing page Clark ANDRIANASOLO Web - UI & UX Rudder - 8.1.12 Actions
26398 Rudder Architecture Pending technical review N/A Impact of #24872 (API rights) on private plugins François ARMAND Clark ANDRIANASOLO Architecture - evolution Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26397 Rudder Architecture Pending technical review N/A Impact of 24872 (API rights) on public plugins François ARMAND Clark ANDRIANASOLO Architecture - evolution Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26396 Rudder Bug Pending release N/A Test for instance ID is failing on Docker CI Clark ANDRIANASOLO Clark ANDRIANASOLO CI Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26394 Rudder Bug Bug #26385 Pending release N/A Wrong syntax used in parent ticket Félix DALLIDET Clark ANDRIANASOLO CI Rudder - 8.1.12 Actions
26390 Rudder Architecture Architecture #26335 Pending technical review N/A API Accounts model needs to be consistent accross backend and frontend Clark ANDRIANASOLO Clark ANDRIANASOLO API Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha2 Actions
26389 Change validation Bug New N/A On rule page save button is replaced by "create change request" even if no change request is produced Elaad FURREEDAN Rudder plugins - 8.2 Actions
26388 Rudder Bug Bug #26261 New N/A Too long group name overflow the group's update popup Elaad FURREEDAN Web - UI & UX Rudder - 8.2.5 Actions
(1-25/1702) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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