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# Project Tracker Parent task Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Category Target version
16368 Rudder tools User story New N/A Update rudder-vagrant to use ubuntu 18 and rudder 6.0 Benoît PECCATTE Vagrant Rudder tools - master Actions
16348 Rudder User story New N/A "Disable directive" property Benoît PECCATTE Web - Config management Actions
16327 Rudder User story New N/A Method doc zone is way too small Alexis Mousset Web - Technique editor Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
16317 Rudder User story New N/A The techniques line in dashboard should not point to technique tree Alexis Mousset Web - Config management Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
16299 Rudder tools User story New N/A Rudder-api-client should be able to work for any api version Félix DALLIDET Félix DALLIDET Rudder API & CLI Rudder tools - master Actions
16287 Rudder User story New N/A Directive resources Benoît PECCATTE Web - Config management Actions
16265 Change validation Bug New N/A Warn message at install Alexis Mousset Rudder plugins - 7.3 Actions
16263 Rudder tools Bug New N/A Rudder-cli fails to import rudder package when installed from the rudder-api-client package Félix DALLIDET Rudder API & CLI Rudder tools - master Actions
16251 Rudder Enhancement New N/A Improve message when using a wrong syntax for a node property in technique editor Vincent MEMBRÉ Web - Config management Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
16238 Rudder User story New N/A Extended inventory properties should appear at node acception under the properties tab Félix DALLIDET François ARMAND Web - Nodes & inventories Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
16225 Rudder User story New N/A feature suggestion - acknowledge problem Tim Taler Web - Compliance & node report Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
16219 Rudder Bug New N/A methods to apply ACL permissions is not recursive Jeremy CHAMPEL Félix DALLIDET Web - Technique editor Actions
16198 Rudder Bug New N/A When switching a node managed by the root server to a relay, its policies are not regenerated Félix DALLIDET Web - Config management Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
16192 Scale-out relay Bug New N/A Add documentation on what is and what does a relay Félix DALLIDET Rudder plugins - 7.3 Actions
16154 Rudder User story New N/A Add an option to avoid using Yum plugins Nicolas CHARLES Packaging Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
16119 Rudder User story New N/A Report jinja2 templating errors in an info log Félix DALLIDET Generic methods Actions
16115 Rudder Bug New N/A When creating a file content directive with empty content, we gent unexpected report Alexis Mousset Techniques Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
16109 Rudder User story New N/A Quick search should find user techniques Benoît PECCATTE Web - UI & UX Actions
16105 Rudder Bug New N/A When we are using iterator in generic method condition only, the multiple reports are not correctly accumulated together Nicolas CHARLES Web - Technique editor Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
16095 Rudder tools Architecture Pending release N/A Improve 6.0 changelog notes Alexis Mousset Vincent MEMBRÉ Release-data Rudder tools - master Actions
16093 Authentication backends Bug New N/A When LDAP auth time out, we get an exception in place of a nice explanation message François ARMAND Rudder plugins - 7.3 Actions
16075 Rudder tools Enhancement New N/A We should not require patching the system python stdlib to make rudder-dev work Alexis Mousset Rudder dev tools Rudder tools - master Actions
16060 Rudder Bug New N/A Tests files test-technique-write and test-rudder-config-repo are not purged at the end of tests Nicolas CHARLES System integration Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
16053 Rudder Bug New N/A When removing a category of techniques from the git repo, Rudder fails to reload-techniques the next time the script is runned Félix DALLIDET Techniques Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
16051 Rudder Architecture New N/A Re-authentication error in postgres doesn't kill existing pool Elaad FURREEDAN Server components Rudder - 8.1.11 Actions
(1176-1200/1624) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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