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# Project Tracker Parent task Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Category Target version
16049 Node external reports User story New N/A The plugin should be able to handle multiple config files Félix DALLIDET Rudder plugins - Ideas Actions
16011 Rudder User story New N/A Schedule simple GM take unnecessary arguments Félix DALLIDET Generic methods Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
15935 Rudder tools Bug Pending release N/A Rudder-api-client build should use the available python version Félix DALLIDET Benoît PECCATTE Rudder API & CLI Rudder tools - master Actions
15864 Rudder Architecture New N/A Add an option to remove the backup of node policy at the end of policy generation Nicolas CHARLES François ARMAND Performance and scalability Rudder - 8.1.11 Actions
15844 Rudder tools Architecture Pending release N/A Add windows OS to release-data Benoît PECCATTE Alexis Mousset Release-data Rudder tools - master Actions
15843 Rudder tools Bug Pending release N/A add rudder-api-client in release-data Félix DALLIDET Benoît PECCATTE Release-data Rudder tools - master Actions
15823 User management Bug New N/A Name collision between api token / user token and missing error message François ARMAND Rudder plugins - 7.3 Actions
15794 Rudder Bug New N/A When saving a new directive, we are always bring up to the top of the directive tree Félix DALLIDET Raphael GAUTHIER Web - UI & UX Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
15785 Rudder Architecture New N/A AutomaticReportLogger fetchs all LDAP structure for rules & directives at each runs Nicolas CHARLES Nicolas CHARLES Performance and scalability Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
15722 Rudder tools Bug Pending release N/A rudder-setup should not use ssh version of github Benoît PECCATTE Félix DALLIDET Rudder tests Rudder tools - master Actions
15681 Rudder tools User story Pending release N/A Add a dev mode to rudder-setup to install a development server Benoît PECCATTE Alexis Mousset Rudder tests Rudder tools - master Actions
15656 Rudder tools Bug In progress N/A rtf doesn't cleanup the files after external provisioning Félix DALLIDET Félix DALLIDET Rudder tests Rudder tools - master Actions
15645 Rudder tools Bug Bug #15644 Pending release N/A Remove support for pre 3.0 in rudder-setup Benoît PECCATTE Alexis Mousset Rudder tests Rudder tools - master Actions
15644 Rudder tools Bug Pending release N/A Remove support for pre 3.0 in rudder-setup Benoît PECCATTE Alexis Mousset Rudder tests Rudder tools - master Actions
15641 Rudder tools User story Pending release N/A Make rudder-setup work on aix Benoît PECCATTE Alexis Mousset Rudder tests Rudder tools - master Actions
15622 Rudder tools Bug Pending release N/A rtf locked after first machine is up, preventing creating other machines Vincent MEMBRÉ Félix DALLIDET Rudder tests Rudder tools - master Actions
15617 Rudder tools Bug Bug #15601 New N/A create a script to automatically send and accepts the nodes Nicolas CHARLES Scripts Rudder tools - master Actions
15611 Rudder Architecture New N/A Don't accept reports signed with something different than sha2 Alexis Mousset Relay server or API Rudder - 8.1.11 Actions
15601 Rudder tools Bug New N/A Create load test system for Rudder 5.1 Nicolas CHARLES Scripts Rudder tools - master Actions
15563 Rudder Enhancement New N/A Event log of config export include a commiterEmail, but there's no info on how to set it Nicolas CHARLES Web - Config management Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
15559 Rudder tools User story New N/A Add a tool to export a rule, its directives, and the techniques they are built on Félix DALLIDET Félix DALLIDET Scripts Rudder tools - master Actions
15512 Rudder tools Bug Architecture #15510 Pending release N/A Add arm achitectures to supported versions Benoît PECCATTE Alexis Mousset Release-data Rudder tools - master Actions
15510 Rudder tools Architecture Pending release N/A Add arm achitectures to supported versions Benoît PECCATTE Alexis Mousset Release-data Rudder tools - master Actions
15465 Rudder User story New N/A Add an option to keep the report on the node after sending it Alexis Mousset Alexis Mousset Agent Actions
15442 Rudder User story New N/A Make packages modules able to report error messages Félix DALLIDET Generic methods Actions
(1201-1225/1624) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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