User story #5670
closedAuto add ncf Technique to Rudder techniques
Today, when an ncf Technique is created, the user has to manually add the technique from the reference library to the active technique library.
We want to automatise that step so that as soon a Technique is created with ncf, it is automatically added.
We will need to handle correctly error messages from Rudder for that, for example in the case where a Technique with the same name/version already exists (see #5685).
We also need to take into account the case when the user actually removed an ncf Technique and the Technique is modified/saved again in ncf-builder. We don't want to add it again (it is perhaps a second use case, at least it should not block the first part which is auto-addition).
In fact, we have to clearly spec what we are doing when a Technique is removed from ncf-builder.
In all case, we have to removed the ncf-technique, but several things can happen to the Rudder Technique generated from it:
- 1/ also removed that Technique from Rudder (completly), cascade-deleting Directives based on it
- 2/ just remove the Technique from active ones, and disable Directive based on it
- 3/ just disable technique
- 4/ do nothing.
Only the first and last seem to have deep rationnal. For 1/, the rationnal is "as presented here, ncf-builder is an integrated part of Rudder that build a unique software, action on one are deeply bound to action on the other". For 2/, the rationnal is "ncf-builder" is just a Technique builder, so it does not make sense to allow it to modify production".
From what user are saying, it seems that 1/ is the actual perceived start of affair. It can be change with more documentation and explanation about what is expected to happen to Rudder when you are in ncf-builder.
2/ has my preference, because it forbid surprising effect in prod. And it is still rather easy to delete a technique in Rudder if you really want to get rid of it.
Updated by François ARMAND over 10 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Category set to Web - Technique editor
- Status changed from New to 8
- Assignee set to François ARMAND
- Priority changed from N/A to 1 (highest)
- Target version set to 3.0.0~beta1
Updated by Alexander Brunhirl over 10 years ago
To delete the dependent directives seems to me a littel too hard.
- 1/ also removed that Technique from Rudder (completly), cascade-deleting Directives based on it
IMHO an advice and the disabling of the Directives are appropriate.
So you could copy the things if necessary or fix in a test environment, therefore I would prefer no 2.
- 2/ just remove the Technique from active ones, and disable Directive based on it
Updated by Jonathan CLARKE over 10 years ago
I agree, 2 sounds like the best option. It's a great starting point anyway, because this auto activation will already improve the standard use cases a lot.
However, I don't see why this ticket is a sub ticket of #5665. It is unrelated.
Updated by François ARMAND over 10 years ago
Jonathan CLARKE wrote:
However, I don't see why this ticket is a sub ticket of #5665. It is unrelated.
Heu, yes, clearly, it's indenpendant. I don't know who thought it should be a sub task, the person must have been drunk. Or sleep depressed. Because of children. Just an idea :)
Updated by François ARMAND over 10 years ago
- Subject changed from Auto-add ncf Technique to active technique to Auto add/remove ncf Technique to Rudder techniques
- Parent task deleted (
(so actually removing the parent)
Updated by François ARMAND over 10 years ago
- Tracker changed from Enhancement to User story
(ok, I going to succeed in changing ALL the intented parameters)
Updated by François ARMAND about 10 years ago
For the iteration of thing, I'm going to create a second ticket for the deletion of ncf technique, so that that one focus on auto-adding technique in Rudder, whatever the source (IE: a new Technique commited in Rudder should also be automaticaly added to the active Techniques' tree).
Updated by François ARMAND about 10 years ago
- Status changed from 12 to Pending release
Updated by Jonathan CLARKE about 10 years ago
François ARMAND wrote:
For the iteration of thing, I'm going to create a second ticket for the deletion of ncf technique, so that that one focus on auto-adding technique in Rudder, whatever the source (IE: a new Technique commited in Rudder should also be automaticaly added to the active Techniques' tree).
Did you? If so, which is it?
Does this implementation auto add or auto add and remove techniques?
Updated by Vincent MEMBRÉ about 10 years ago
- Status changed from Pending release to Released
This bug has been fixed in Rudder 3.0.0~beta1 which was release on 01/12/2014.
- Announcement
- Changelog
- "Download information":
Updated by François ARMAND about 10 years ago
- Subject changed from Auto add/remove ncf Technique to Rudder techniques to Auto add ncf Technique to Rudder techniques
Clarifying the ticket:
Currently, the implementation:
- auto-add in active technique new techniques discovered when the library is reloaded. So now, techniques built with ncf-builder automatically appear in the list of technique from which you can create directive ;
- auto-disable technique for which the corresponding files disappeared from configuration-repository/technique (git). So now, when an user try to delete/git rm a ncf technique, at least it lead to something consistent in Rudder (the corresponding active technique is correctly disabled).
Updated by François ARMAND about 10 years ago
For the auto-deletion of ncf-technique, I propose to track the ticket in #5829
Updated by François ARMAND almost 10 years ago
- Related to Bug #6191: Allow to migrate or delete Directive based on a missing Technique added