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# Project Tracker Parent task Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Category Target version
4934 Rudder Architecture New N/A Clean-up rudder server root detection / save code François ARMAND Architecture - Code maintenance Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
4890 Rudder User story New N/A Search on directive/components/values in node details' compliance Nicolas PERRON Raphael GAUTHIER Web - UI & UX Actions
4720 Rudder User story New N/A Make it possible to use an "ignore_interfaces.rx" in Rudder to speed-up agent DNS resolution Nicolas PERRON Performance and scalability Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
4514 Rudder User story New N/A Feature request - Having group out of the compliance check Olivier Mauras Web - Compliance & node report Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
4427 Rudder Architecture New N/A cf-promises check on ALL generated promises leads to huge generation time François ARMAND Nicolas CHARLES Web - Config management Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
4416 Rudder User story New N/A Group search does not allow to mix AND and OR combinators Dennis Cabooter Web - Nodes & inventories Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
4391 Rudder User story New N/A Do not create change request when modifying Directive and that Directive is not applied Vincent MEMBRÉ Web - Config management Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
4385 Rudder User story New N/A Add last modification time to all items returned by the REST API Jonathan CLARKE API Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
4370 Rudder User story New N/A Components in reports should appear in the order they were defined in technique Jonathan CLARKE Web - Compliance & node report Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
4330 Rudder User story New N/A Rule names should be only unique by categories, not globally Dennis Cabooter Web - Config management Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
4329 Rudder User story New N/A Proposal: categorized directives overview Dennis Cabooter Web - Config management Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
4189 Rudder User story User story #4187 New N/A Add granular check of directive parameter on change request merge François ARMAND Web - Config management Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
4188 Rudder User story User story #4187 New N/A Add granular check on change request change (not on directive parameter) François ARMAND Web - Config management Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
4187 Rudder User story New N/A Allow more granular check for Change Request merge test François ARMAND Web - Config management Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
3972 Rudder Architecture New N/A Scala XML library accepts invalid XML characters Vincent MEMBRÉ François ARMAND Architecture - Code maintenance Actions
3966 Rudder User story Discussion N/A Document a failover procedure for Rudder Dennis Cabooter Documentation Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
3954 Rudder User story New N/A In technique, allow to have field whose value if optionnal if another field has some value François ARMAND Web - Config management Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
3920 Rudder User story New N/A Webapp should know that its uuid must be "root" and stop otherwise François ARMAND Web - Maintenance Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
3888 Rudder User story New N/A Change account information stored in eventlog to handle API or webapp cases Nicolas CHARLES Web - Maintenance Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
3867 Rudder User story New N/A Allows to build static group with a list of node + checkbox François ARMAND Web - Nodes & inventories Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
3832 Rudder User story New N/A in the directives screen, the last changes messages should be displayed Fabrice FLORE-THÉBAULT Web - UI & UX Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
3616 Rudder User story New N/A add some hints near regex search field Fabrice FLORE-THÉBAULT Web - Nodes & inventories Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
3568 Rudder User story New N/A Add a tool to estimate growth rate of database Vincent MEMBRÉ Web - Maintenance Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
3300 Rudder User story User story #3299 New N/A Display or hides sections in Directives form based on variable values Nicolas CHARLES Web - Config management Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
3299 Rudder User story New N/A Display sections in Directives form based on variable values Nicolas CHARLES Web - Config management Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
(1576-1600/1624) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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