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# Project Tracker Parent task Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Category Target version
25724 Rudder Bug New 1 (highest) Event log for API account creation is no longer created Clark ANDRIANASOLO Vincent MEMBRÉ Security Rudder - 8.2.4 Actions
25723 Rudder Bug New 5 (lowest) API account display is missing some fields in event logs Clark ANDRIANASOLO Web - UI & UX Rudder - 8.1.11 Actions
25722 CIS Enhancement Pending release N/A CIS Debian 11 section 5.1 Michel BOUISSOU Nicolas CHARLES Rudder plugins - 8.1 Actions
25719 CIS Enhancement Pending release N/A CIS Debian 11 section 1.3 Michel BOUISSOU Nicolas CHARLES Rudder plugins - 8.1 Actions
25718 Rudder Bug New N/A Inventory variable table is not grey out when using search usage of property Elaad FURREEDAN Web - UI & UX Rudder - 8.2.4 Actions
25716 CIS Enhancement Pending release N/A CIS Debian 11 section 1.1 Michel BOUISSOU Nicolas CHARLES Rudder plugins - 8.1 Actions
25714 Rudder tools User story Pending technical review N/A Add initial work to test the technique editor Félix DALLIDET Alexis Mousset Rudder-robot Rudder tools - 8.2 Actions
25706 Rudder Bug New 1 (highest) FQDN on Windows node can take localhost as value Elaad FURREEDAN Benoît PECCATTE Agent Rudder - 8.1.11 Actions
25705 Rudder Bug Pending release 2 search on event log must also search on event type Nicolas CHARLES François ARMAND Web - Maintenance Rudder - 8.1.11 Actions
25704 Rudder Bug New 2 event log detail show shouldBeReplacedByDiff Nicolas CHARLES François ARMAND Web - Maintenance Rudder - 8.1.11 Actions
25696 Rudder Bug New 3 Exporting empty archive with no content should return an API error Clark ANDRIANASOLO API Rudder - 8.1.11 Actions
25681 Rudder Bug Pending release 1 (highest) OIDC users are marked as deleted after a new user is provisionned Clark ANDRIANASOLO François ARMAND Web - Maintenance Rudder - 8.1.8 Actions
25679 Rudder tools Bug Pending technical review N/A Force the install of gnupg2 on Amazon Linux 2023 Félix DALLIDET Alexis Mousset Rudder-robot Rudder tools - 8.1 Actions
25668 API authorizations Bug New 3 OIDC users cannot use api-authorizations tokens because they have no API rights Clark ANDRIANASOLO Rudder plugins - 8.1 Actions
25665 CIS Enhancement Pending release N/A CIS Debian 11 - Section 7.2 Lucas FRANCOIS Elaad FURREEDAN Rudder plugins - 8.1 Actions
25664 Rudder Bug New N/A Error when deleting a node that doesn't exist Nicolas CHARLES Web - Nodes & inventories Rudder - 8.1.11 Actions
25657 CIS Enhancement Pending release N/A CIS Debian 11 - Section 7.1 Lucas FRANCOIS Nicolas CHARLES Rudder plugins - 8.1 Actions
25655 Rudder Bug Pending release N/A Use the fallback system-updates on Ubuntu 16.04 and Debian 9 Alexis Mousset Félix DALLIDET Packaging Rudder - 8.3.0~alpha1 Actions
25654 Rudder Enhancement In progress N/A There is no way do find out in the technique editor if a technique is used by a directive or not Nicolas CHARLES Elaad FURREEDAN Web - Technique editor Rudder - 8.1.11 Actions
25648 Rudder Bug New N/A Clicking on a technique shows main menu Lucas FRANCOIS Web - UI & UX Rudder - 8.1.11 Actions
25647 Rudder Bug New 3 Broken links in the embedeed documentation in Rudder Nicolas CHARLES Alexis Mousset Documentation Rudder - 8.1.11 Actions
25644 CIS Enhancement Pending release N/A CIS Debian 11 - Section 1.5 Lucas FRANCOIS Nicolas CHARLES Rudder plugins - 8.1 Actions
25641 CIS Enhancement Pending release N/A CIS Debian 11 - Section 1.4 Lucas FRANCOIS Nicolas CHARLES Rudder plugins - 8.1 Actions
25639 Rudder Bug Pending release N/A rudder-cf-serverd is not restarted properly after a change in authorized network on a relay Félix DALLIDET Alexis Mousset System techniques Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
25634 CIS Bug Pending release N/A Task permissions.k not working on Debian 11 and Red Hat 9 Lucas FRANCOIS Nicolas CHARLES Rudder plugins - 8.1 Actions
(176-200/1560) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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