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# Project Tracker Parent task Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Category Target version
14479 Rudder User story New N/A Create a debugging guide Alexis Mousset Documentation Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
14476 Rudder Bug New N/A Inventory can not complete on an hypervisor if one of the guest machine is not accessible any more Félix DALLIDET Agent Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
14461 Rudder Enhancement New N/A Document `rudder server directive-upgrade` Nicolas CHARLES Server components Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
14458 Rudder Enhancement New N/A Compliance color in node list is misleading when a node hasn't answered for a long long time Nicolas CHARLES Web - Compliance & node report Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
14449 Rudder Bug New N/A We can not execute powershell command using $_ variable Félix DALLIDET Generic methods Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
14421 Rudder Bug New N/A SSH keys technique pre-hook need to be done just before the first directive of that technique Guillaume Tredez Web - Config management Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
14387 Rudder tools Bug New N/A Version anchors in changelogs are broken Alexis Mousset Alexis Mousset Release-data Rudder tools - master Actions
14381 Rudder Bug New N/A Directive Sudoers allow both passwordless sudo and all commands. Matthew Frost Félix DALLIDET Techniques Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
14369 Rudder Bug New N/A timezone technique does not support systemd Félix DALLIDET Nicolas CHARLES Techniques Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
14366 Branding User story New N/A When license is missing, there is nothing to signal it Félix DALLIDET Rudder plugins - Ideas Actions
14351 Rudder Bug New N/A On settings page, "Modified files" save button does not become enabled without clicking in the field François ARMAND Raphael GAUTHIER Web - UI & UX Rudder - 7.3.17 Actions
14334 Rudder tools Bug Bug #14324 New N/A Make the use of rudder-apt.list/rudder.list globally consistant (doc, rudder-setup, apt repo technique) François ARMAND Scripts Rudder tools - master Actions
14333 Rudder User story New N/A Remote run should optionnaly honor splay time in async mode François ARMAND François ARMAND Relay server or API Actions
14325 Rudder User story New N/A Rename classic into "Unix" Benoît PECCATTE Web - Config management Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
14324 Rudder tools Bug Pending release N/A Upgrading an ubuntu distro installed with rudder-setup lead to incorrect repository definition François ARMAND Alexis Mousset Scripts Rudder tools - master Actions
14320 Rudder User story New N/A Change graph and table are missing in node details Benoît PECCATTE Web - Compliance & node report Actions
14319 Rudder User story New N/A When a parameter is empty we cannot save but there's no hint why Benoît PECCATTE Web - UI & UX Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
14297 Rudder tools User story New N/A Force rudder-setup to install zip Félix DALLIDET Scripts Rudder tools - master Actions
14277 Rudder tools Bug New N/A Adapt Rudder for Docker Nicolas CHARLES Scripts Rudder tools - master Actions
14265 Notifications User story New N/A Use pytlon lib "apprise" François ARMAND Rudder plugins - Ideas Actions
14261 Rudder tools Bug New N/A Rtf does not correctly set up /etc/hosts when no server are in the platform Félix DALLIDET Rudder tests Rudder tools - master Actions
14187 Rudder Architecture New N/A Have a linter that checks that @parameters are in the same order as the parameter of the bundle Nicolas CHARLES Generic methods Actions
14148 Rudder tools User story In progress N/A Split rtf in different modules Félix DALLIDET Félix DALLIDET Rudder tests Rudder tools - master Actions
14144 Rudder User story New N/A When pgsql is shutdown because partition is full, agent should also shutdown rudder web app François ARMAND System integration Actions
14023 Rudder User story New N/A Port zypperPackageManagerRepositories to separated policy generation Nicolas CHARLES Techniques Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
(1326-1350/1679) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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