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# Project Tracker Parent task Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Category Target version
2975 Rudder Architecture New N/A Add an event log for Database event : archive reports, delete reports Vincent MEMBRÉ Web - Maintenance Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
2867 Rudder Enhancement New N/A Document the Change Message in Rudder and how to configure it Nicolas CHARLES Documentation Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
2834 Rudder Architecture New N/A The LDAP password used by Rudder is not hashed in slapd.conf Nicolas PERRON System techniques Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
2732 Rudder User story New N/A Be able to remove and reinstall a server Gonéri Le Bouder Packaging Actions
2710 Rudder Enhancement New N/A Enable the user to bulk erase/rename/disable some rules or directives Matthieu CERDA Web - Config management Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
2451 Rudder Architecture New N/A Suggestion : integrate source in src.rpm Olivier LI KIANG CHEONG Packaging Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
2414 Rudder Enhancement New N/A Extra info on Rule details (creator, last modified, last modifier...) Jonathan CLARKE Web - Config management Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
2350 Rudder Enhancement New N/A Technique "name resolution": resolv.conf is continuously repaired with a machine which use a DHCP client. Nicolas PERRON Félix DALLIDET Techniques Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
2268 Rudder User story Discussion N/A Improve the ergonomy of the Administration > Archives screen Jonathan CLARKE Web - Maintenance Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
2249 Rudder Enhancement New N/A Cross button to empty filter on search inputs Jonathan CLARKE Web - Config management Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
1360 Rudder User story New N/A Allow Technique to reuse other technique as building blocks / dependencies Jonathan CLARKE Web - Config management Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
1210 Rudder User story New N/A Search technical logs of all nodes in a central view Jonathan CLARKE Web - Maintenance Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
1209 Rudder User story New N/A DIsplay a preview of nodes contained in a group when selecting it for use in a Rule Jonathan CLARKE Web - Config management Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
1203 Rudder User story New N/A Provision options list from external source (URL, JSON, XML...) Jonathan CLARKE Web - Config management Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
1183 Rudder User story New N/A Add filters to display success/error/warn and by Directive/Rule in Technical Logs display of Node details François ARMAND Web - Nodes & inventories Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
1045 Rudder User story Discussion N/A Display inventories received with errors in the web interface Jonathan CLARKE Web - Nodes & inventories Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
647 Rudder Architecture New N/A Webapp should be run as a different user from root Jonathan CLARKE Packaging Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
635 Rudder Enhancement New N/A "Warning, you are going to lose your modifications" popup Jonathan CLARKE Web - UI & UX Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
113 Rudder Enhancement New N/A Add information pop-up after filter input field in search François ARMAND Web - UI & UX Rudder - Ideas (not version specific) Actions
(1651-1669/1669) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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